Das bedingte Selbst
Familie, Identität und Geschichte im zeitgenössischen Generationenroman
The Conditioned Self
Family, Identity and History in Contemporary Generationel Novels
by Markus Neuschäfer
Date of Examination:2012-05-23
Date of issue:2013-07-09
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lauer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lauer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dr. Heinrich Detering
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On the basis of recent German texts between 2002 and 2010, the dissertation analyzes typical motive structures and thematical patterns of contemporary generational novels. Family and self-realization are often depicted as contradictory; the protagonists' preoccupation with history leads to an ongoing questioning how identiy is shaped by external and often random influences. In contrast to the narrative of degeneration in classical generational novels, protagonists in contemporary texts often adopt a therapeutic approach; in order to regain an active role in shaping their identity, reconstructing family history with their own narrative.
Keywords: Generation; generational novel; family novel; german literature; family sociology; identity in literature; autobiographical novels; Günter Grass: Im Krebsgang; Arno Geiger: Es geht uns gut; Stefan Wackwitz: Ein unsichtbares Land; Thomas Medicus: In den Augen meines Großvaters; Reinhard Jirgl: Die Unvollendeten; Sabine Schiffner: Kindbettfieber; Moritz Rinke: Der Mann, der durch das Jahrhundert fiel; Tanja Dückers: Himmelskörper; John von Düffel: Houwelandt; Gila Lustiger: Es geht uns gut; history; memory; German history
Schlagwörter: Generationenromane; Familienromane; Generationsroman; Kultursoziologie; Gegenwartsliteratur; Identität; Geschichte; Familie; Familienbilder; Motivforschung; Thematologie; Postindividualismus; Empowerment; 68er; Zeitzeugen; Enkelgeneration; Familienkrise; Nachgeborenen; Autobiographie