Die Effektivität von fluoridierten Gelen und Pasten zur Kariesprävention – eine in-vitro-Untersuchung an humanem Schmelz in einem biologischen Kariesmodell
The efficacy of fluoridated gels and pastes for caries prevention – an in vitro study at human enamel in a biological caries model
von Clarissa Milmann
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2013-10-01
Betreuer:PD Dr. Dirk Ziebolz
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Rainer Ausberg
Gutachter:PD Dr. Dr. Rudolf Gruber
The aim of this study was to establish a simple and reliable biological in-vitro-caries model and furthermore to examine different caries preventive products for the effectiveness.For this 65 enamel specimens were produced from extracted, caries free human teeth and randomly divided up into 5 groups. (A: Fluor Protector Gel®, B: Tooth Mousse®, C: Colgate Total®, D: positive control, E: negative control; groups A–D n=15, group E n=5)For the demineralization of the specimen was used a streptococcus mutans solution.Artificial saliva was used for the remineralisation. The groups were exposed to a cycle of demineralization and remineralisation three times daily over the test time of 30 days.Three of these groups were treated with different caries protective products (Colgate Total®, Fluor Protector Gel® und Tooth Mousse®). The specimens of the positive control were exposed to the bacterium solution without a caries preventive varnish. The negative control was stored in the not infected solution.Both before the beginning of the experimental phase and after 7, 14 and 30 days an evaluation of the surface was carried out with the quantitative light induced fluorescence (QLF). The parameters for the expression of the lesion were the percentage fluorescence loss (ΔF in %) and the white-spot area ( in mm2). The statistical evaluation showed a significant removal of the fluorescence and the extension of the lesion area at the positive control over the time. At the negative control no changes could be established. Comparing the groups it became clear, that the greatest removal of the fluorescence (Median = -6,76 %) and the development of considerable lesion areas (up to 10,9 mm2) over the test time had to be watched in the group treated with Tooth Mousse® .No significant differences compared with negative control arose at Colgate Total® and Fluor Protector Gel® In conclusion these results show that it was possible to produce carious lesions with the applied in-vitro-model. Furthermore caries preventive substances could successfully be examined and tested. The result of the statistical evaluation also confirmed the guidelines : the regular application of fluoridated caries preventive products for the protection from carious demineralization is indispensable. From looking these results which have arisen from an in-vitro study should be validated by further examination with a greater product choice. Furthermore it is desirable that this model is developed further to a multi-bacterial biofilm model in future to be able to transfer the results to oral conditions. An in-vivo study nevertheless remains indispensable.
Keywords: caries; quantitative light-induced fluorescence; fluoride; in vitro caries model
Schlagwörter: Karies; Fluorid; quantitative lichtinduzierte Fluoreszenz (QLF); in-vitro-Kariesmodell