Axonpathologie in Immunsubtypen von Multiple-Sklerose-Läsionen
Axonal pathology in immunological subtypes of multiple sclerosis lesions
by Janosch Haußmann
Date of Examination:2013-11-26
Date of issue:2013-10-30
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Brück
Referee:PD Dr. Bernd Kitze
Referee:Prof. Dr. Martin Oppermann
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Multiple sclerosis (ms) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system leading to axonal damage. The axonal damage correlates with the degree of clinical disabillity in ms patients. Lucchinetti et al. found in the year 2000 four different subtypes in ms lesions, which are interpreted as four different kinds of immunological pathogenesis. Because of these findings, this study looks into the acute axonal damage and the axonal density in ms lesions and in white matter which appear normal with regard to the different ms subtypes. 55 biopsies are reviewed. The analysis of the white matter which appears normal shows no significant differences for the acute axonal damage and the axonal density when comparing the different subtypes. The axonal density in the early acitve ms lesions also shows no significant differences. There is a significant difference between acute axonal damage in subtye I compared to subtype II in early acitve ms lesions. Possibly in subtype I a t-cell mediated axonal damage appears. But no significant correlations between the axonal damage and the t-cells were found. However there is only a relatively small number of cases. Possibly an axonal protection by the infiltrated cells is relevant for the degree of axonal damage. The present study shows signs of an interindividual heterogeneity concerning the axonal damage in affiliation to the ms subtypes. Further analyses to determin a stronger axonal pathology in subtype I against II are necessairy. A possibly specific therapy in relation to the different subtypes to reduce the axonal damage should be the aim of the therapeutical threatment.
Keywords: multiple sclerosis; axonal damage; subtypes multiple sclerosis; acute axonal damage; axonal pathology; axonal density
Schlagwörter: Multiple Sklerose; Akuter axonaler Schaden; Axonale Dichte; Immunsubtypen Multiple Sklerose