Decentralized Network Based Mobility Management: Framework, System Design and Evaluation
Decentralized Network Based Mobility Management: Framework, System Design and Evaluation
by Niklas Neumann
Date of Examination:2011-06-16
Date of issue:2011-09-23
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Fu
Referee:Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Fu
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dr. Otto Spaniol
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The handling of mobile nodes in the Internet has always been challenging since the Internet Protocol (IP) by design assumes that a network interface has an identifier that stays fixed at least for the duration of a data transfer. With the recent proliferation of mobile devices that provide advanced computing capabilities and resources such as netbooks, smartphones, or Internet tablets common mobile usage of the Internet is rising constantly. Moreover, applications that where not developed with mobile devices in mind and services that generally do not do well with mobility (e.g. voice-over-IP or live streaming) can be run commonly on these devices. Providing scalable and deployable mobility support in heterogeneous IP based wireless access networks that such devices are used in remains an issue. The more traditional approaches such as Mobile IP and Proxy Mobile IP provide centralized anchors that redirect the traffic destined for the mobile node to its current point of attachment. While especially Proxy Mobile IP sees large deployments in cellular networks its centralized approach provides deployment and scalability barriers and is not well suited for distributed and fragmented environments such as hot-spots. This thesis proposes a network based decentralized mobility management framework which can provide mobility support without the collaboration of mobile nodes and without relying on centralized elements. The framework provides easy deployment as it only requires support from access routers and scalability as the load of managing the mobile nodes is distributed among the access routers. It is well suited for distributed and fragmented environments as necessary configuration data is made available to potential handover candidate access routers in advance. The contributions of this thesis are the development of a framework for decentralized network based mobility management, a system design based on this framework and the evaluation of the system by means of theoretical analysis, simulation, and a prototype implementation. As the evaluations show the proposed framework can provide mobility support for generic mobile nodes with handover times that converge towards the average one-way delay between access routers while inducing a signaling overhead that linearly scales with the number of mobile nodes and the number of access routers in the system.
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Schlagwörter: Internet; mobility; mobile devices; mobility support; network based; decentralized; mobility management framework; access router