Building a Decision Support System for Agricultural Land Use Planning and Sustainable Management at the District Level in Vietnam
by Quang Huy Man
Date of Examination:2010-01-25
Date of issue:2010-02-05
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Martin Kappas
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gerold
Referee:Prof. Dr. Werner Kreisel
Referee:Prof. Dr. Heiko Faust
Referee:Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Pörtge
Referee:PD Dr. Hermann Jungkunst
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This research aims at developing a decision support system (DSS) to improve the decision-making capacity of administrators as well as other interested parties. The system will help develop their skills in land use planning and strategic management for agricultural resources to arrive at better decisions. The DSS will provide useful tools to improve policies on land use planning and implementation of other rural development and land resource management programs. An agricultural database for Geographic Information System (GIS) and DSS in land use planning was built on the results from evaluating the suitability of major potential land use alternatives in the studied area. Informatics and mathematical modeling techniques are used in processing data, determining the optimal solution and providing information for the decision-making support. In determining the optimal solution for land use, mathematical modeling has been a widely used method and considered an important tool to quantify social-environmental indicators and criteria. However, most models using this method are single goal optimization ones which can increase economic efficiency but cannot simultaneously deal with other problems of land use, for example, social or environmental impacts. Thus, this research applies the latest model of multiple goal optimizations known as the Multi Objective Linear Programming (MOLP) Model to build up a systematic and coherent scheme of planting crops, which deals with other land use problems mentioned above. This research is a multidisciplinary study which involves collecting data of crop production, analyzing and processing GIS data, designing databases for information system, and investigating multi-objective linear programming and group decision making models to achieve the consensus of experts and consultants to reach collective decisions. As a result, a DDS for agricultural land use planning was designed with the following functions: (i) System administration, (ii) Showing mapping data (iii) Database management (iv) Solution to the MOLP model and (v) Group decision making based on experts opinions. The designed DDS is hoped to be a reference model for further application of information technology in land use planning towards sustainable development in the regional and global contexts.
Keywords: Decision Support System; Land Use Planning; Sustainable Management; District; Vietnam