Browsing Molekulare Medizin by Advisor & Referee "Hagos, Yohannes Prof. Dr."
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Expression von Aufnahme-Transportern für Zytostatika in Mamma- und Prostatakarzinom-Zellen und ihre Interaktion mit Zytostatika
(2017-06-27)The solute carrier (SLC) transporters form a large family of membrane proteins that translocate dissolved substances across cell membranes. The first part of this work investigates the interaction of 26 commonly used ... -
Genetic polymorphisms in genes regulating renal ion excretion and diuretic drug effects
(2014-07-17)Regulation of human salt and fluid homeostasis is of basic biological importance. Kidney functions allow surviving under a wide variety of conditions with high or low salt diets and with high or low intake of fluids, even ...