Die alttürkische Xuanzang-Biographie IX.
The Old Turkic Xuanzang biography IX
by Hakan Aydemir
Date of Examination:2010-11-26
Date of issue:2012-07-18
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Klaus Röhrborn
Referee:Prof. Dr. Klaus Röhrborn
Referee:Prof. Dr. Jens Peter Laut
Referee:Prof. Dr. Sebastian Günther
Files in this item
The Old Turkic Xuanzang Biograpy IX The present study is an annotated translation of the IXth chapter of the Xuanzang Biography (= XB) in Old Turkic. The XB was translated from Chinese into Old Turkic at the end of 10th century. The name of the Chinese version is Datang daciensi sanzang fashi zhuan 大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳
Keywords: Old Uighur; Xuanzang biography
Schlagwörter: Altuigurisch; Xuanzang-Biographie