Untersuchungen von Extraktionsalveolen mit der Stützimmersionsendoskopie
Examination of extraction sockets with the support immersion endoscopy
by Isabell-Andrea Reindl
Date of Examination:2012-05-15
Date of issue:2012-04-24
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried Engelke
Referee:PD Dr. Sabine Sennhenn-Kirchner
Referee:PD Dr. Nikolaus Gersdorff
Referee:Prof. Dr. Martin Oppermann
Files in this item
The purpose of this study was to visualise and to assess extraction sockets directly after extraction with the use of a support immersion endoscope. This for reason, 132 extraction sockets were evaluated endoscopically post extractionem. In 116 cases it was possible to compare the results with the orthopantomogram which had been taken before the extraction. The measured distances from the bottom of the socket to the limbus alveolaris mesial were on average:
Keywords: endoscopy; extraction socket
Schlagwörter: Endoskopie; Extraktionsalveole