Assoziation von Höhe der antipsychotischen Medikation über die Zeit mit Kognition unter Berücksichtigung des Geschlechts
Association of antipsychotic dosage amount over time with cognition in schizophrenic patients in due consideration of gender
by Christoph Johannes Szuszies
Date of Examination:2012-06-06
Date of issue:2012-06-04
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Dr. Hannelore Ehrenreich
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dr. Hannelore Ehrenreich
Referee:Prof. Dr. Tim Friede
Files in this item
Background: Available anti-psychotic drugs failed to show a positive effect on cognitive impairment, a core symptom of schizophrenic patients. Prescribing anti-psychotics is an essential part of patient treatment. Over the duration of treatment anti-psychotic daily doses are often escalated to an extreme, trying to alleviate symptoms. Sex-differences in the course of disease, symptoms of disease, cognition and sensitivity related to anti-psychotics are known. In contrast, the strength of cognitive impairment under increasing anti-psychotic dosage over time to very high anti-psychotic daily doses is not well-established. Methods: The association of anti-psychotic dosage amount over time with cognition in patients with schizophrenia in due consideration of sex in a widespread patient sample of n=1029 (GRAS- cross-sectional study) will be investigated for the first time. Approved psychometric and neurological rating scales, detailed neuropsychological tests, structured interviews, and evaluation of early health record concerning disease outbreak are background for the analyses. The value “dose-increase
Keywords: schizophrenia; antipsychotic therapy; cognition; disease severity; dosage; antipsychotics; dose-increase; gender; sex
Schlagwörter: Schizophrenie; Antipsychotika; Kognition; Krankheitsschwere; Dosissteigerung; Geschlecht