Membrane locking in discrete shell theories
Membrane locking in discrete shell theories
von Alessio Quaglino
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2012-05-11
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Max Wardetzky
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Max Wardetzky
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Gert Lube
This work is concerned with the study of thin structures in Computational Mechanics. This field is particularly interesting, since together with traditional finite elements methods (FEM), the last years have seen the development of a new approach, called discrete differential geometry (DDG). The idea of FEM is to approximate smooth solutions using polynomials, providing error estimates that establish convergence in the limit of mesh refinement. The natural language of this field has been found in the formalism of functional analysis. On the contrary, DDG considers discrete entities, e.g., the mesh, as the only physical system to be studied and discrete theories are being formulated from first principles. In particular, DDG is concerned with the preservation of smooth properties that break down in the discrete setting with FEM. While the core of traditional FEM is based on function interpolation, usually in Hilbert spaces, discrete theories have an intrinsic physical interpretation, independently from the smooth solutions they converge to. This approach is related to flexible multibody dynamics and finite volumes. In this work, we focus on the phenomenon of membrane locking, which produces a severe artificial rigidity in discrete thin structures. In the case of FEM, locking arises from a poor choice of finite subspaces where to look for solutions, while in the DDG case, it arises from arbitrary definitions of discrete geometric quantities. In particular, we underline that a given mesh, or a given finite subspace, are not the physical system of interest, but a representation of it, out of infinitely many. In this work, we use this observation and combine tools from FEM and DDG, in order to build a novel discrete shell theory, free of membrane locking.
Keywords: Shells; Finite elements; differential geometry
Schlagwörter: Shells; Finite elements; differential geometry