Modeling the biophysical mechanisms of sound encoding at inner hair cell ribbon synapses
Modellierung der biophysikalischen Mechanismen der Schallkodierung an Bandsynapsen der inneren Haarzellen
von Nikolai Chapochnikov
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2011-12-15
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Fred Wolf
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Fred Wolf
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Tobias Moser
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Alexander Gail
A key stage in auditory encoding is the transformation of the analog and continuous electrical signal at inner hair cells (IHCs) into the discrete spike timings in auditory nerve fibers (ANFs). In this work, using modeling, we investigated the biophysical specializations of the IHC ribbon synapse, which support this transcoding of the auditory signal. First, in combination with experiments, we studied the coupling of the ANF postsynaptic bouton to its action potential generator. We found that ANFs encode with submillisecond precision the timings of neurotransmitter release from IHCs. Then, we investigated the sound signal encoding at the presynapse. By modeling vesicle diffusion on the synaptic ribbon, we show that the ribbon might act as a “Brownian conveyor trap
Keywords: cochlea; hair cell; auditory nerve fibers; ribbon synapse; synaptic transmission; action potential; integrate-and-fire neuron; modeling; coding; computational neuroscience
Schlagwörter: Hörschnecke; Haarzelle; Hörnervenfasern; Bändersynapse; synaptische Transmission; Aktionspotential; Integrate-and-Fire-Neuron; Modellierung; Kodierung; Computational Neuroscience