Lehrerüberzeugungen zum Lehren und Lernen
Teachers' Beliefs about Learning and Teaching
by Natalia Schlichter
Date of Examination:2012-10-18
Date of issue:2012-12-03
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Rainer Watermann
Referee:Prof. Dr. Rainer Watermann
Referee:Prof. Dr. Matthias Nückles
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Teachers' beliefs have a significant role in classroom activities of teachers and students' achievement. For example, constructivist beliefs have a positive effect on students' achievement in mathematics (Dubberke et al., 2011; Staub & Stern, 2002). Recent research primarily analyzes transmission and construction beliefs (e.g. Kunter et al., 2011; OECD, 2009), while other beliefs remain neglected. Therefore, the presented studies additionally consider participation and nurturing. The main research question was, whether these beliefs could be identified in teachers' views on learning and teaching and whether they could be measured reliable and valid by means of a quantitative questionnaire. Further, the relation of teachers' beliefs at different stages of teachers' career and the relation between epistemological beliefs and beliefs about learning and teaching represented the research desiderata. To answer the research questions, an interview study (N = 50) and two questionnaire studies (N = 276; N = 190) were carried out. The reliability and construct validity of the questionnaire were analyzed in the first questionnaire study and were assessed satisfactorily. An exploratory factor analysis confirmed the 4-factor-structure of the questionnaire with the factors transmission, construction, participation and nurturing. These beliefs were already identified in the interviews. Although student teachers at the beginning of their studies and experienced teachers were similar in their preference for transmission and nurturing, there were specific belief patterns depending on the stage of the teachers' career (the beginning, the middle, and the end of the studies, beginning and experienced teachers). These belief patterns were identified in both questionnaire studies. The results indicated the prevalence of transmission and nurturing beliefs at the beginning of the studies, whereby these beliefs lost their prevalence during the studies. Contrary, the construction and participation beliefs were not very significant at the beginning of the studies and appeared more important in the middle and at the end of the studies. In comparison to bachelor student teachers (study 2), who scored highly at the transmission belief, master student teachers (study 2) showed their preference for participation belief and the student teachers at the end of their studies (study 3) showed their preference for construction belief. Moreover, the regression analysis demonstrated higher values in participation and construction beliefs with rising semesters. However, experienced teachers of the interview study seemed to return to a preference for transmission and nurturing beliefs and understand teaching in terms of construction and participation to a lesser extent. The results of the third study are in line with the current research and show associations between transmission and na
Keywords: Teachers' beliefs Teachers' competences transmission construction participation nurturing
Schlagwörter: Lehrerüberzeugungen Lehrerkompetenzen Transmission Konstruktion Partizipation Schülerorientierung