dc.contributor.advisor | Grubmüller, Helmut Prof. Dr. | de |
dc.contributor.author | Dobrev, Plamen | de |
dc.date.accessioned | 2012-10-23T18:36:31Z | de |
dc.date.accessioned | 2013-01-18T14:27:48Z | de |
dc.date.available | 2013-01-30T23:50:19Z | de |
dc.date.issued | 2012-10-23 | de |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1735-0000-000D-F0C2-8 | de |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dx.doi.org/10.53846/goediss-3280 | |
dc.description.abstract | Die pKa-Werte ionisierbarer Aminosäuren
sind essentiell für die Funktion vieler Proteine. Sie sind die
Schlüsselfaktoren, welche die elektrostatischen Potentiale und ihre
dreidimensionale Verteilung bestimmen, welche wiederum die
enzymatische Katalyse beeinflussen und optimieren. Ferner können
pKa-Werte und Protonierungszustand bei konformativen | de |
dc.format.mimetype | application/pdf | de |
dc.language.iso | eng | de |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ | de |
dc.title | Protonation patterns in reduced and oxidized form of electron transfer proteins | de |
dc.type | doctoralThesis | de |
dc.title.translated | Protonierungsmuster von Elektron-Transfer-Proteinen in reduzierter und oxidierter Form | de |
dc.contributor.referee | Grubmüller, Helmut Prof. Dr. | de |
dc.date.examination | 2012-05-08 | de |
dc.subject.dnb | 500 Naturwissenschaften | de |
dc.subject.gok | WC 000 | de |
dc.description.abstracteng | The pKa's of the ionizable amino acids are
crucial for the function of many proteins as they are key factors
that determine their electrostatic potential and its spatial
distribution, often controlling and optimizing enzymatic catalysis.
Further, during conformational motions pKa's and protonation states
particularly of histidines may change. In established force field
simulation, however, this effect is typically not included, and
protonation states must therefore be either guessed or derived from
experiment. There have been a number of approaches to include
protonation effects within simulations in the past, mainly based on
continuum electrostatics or implicit solvent molecular dynamics
[1--3]. However, the continuum electrostatics method lack the
effect of the hydrogen bonding and the entropy effects due to the
dynamics of the protein and the solvent whereas the implicit
solvent MD although capturing the dynamics, again misses the
hydrogen bonding and entropy contribution that comes from the
solvent. In this work we used the implementation and application of
a dynamic protonation atomistic simulation method with explicit
solvent, fast and at relatively low computational cost [4]. This
approach also allows for explicit solvent constant pH MD
simulations, previously developed also in our group [4], and thus
is used here to calculate the pKa's of the ionzable groups in
proteins. In order to validate our method, we selected a number of
prototypic proteins and calculated titration curves and pKa values
from constant pH simulations at a range of different pH values and
compared our results with the experimental data. In the next step,
we applied our model to protein that can undergo reduction and
oxidation and compare the behavior of the protonatable groups in
their both states. This approach will help us better understand the
complicated events during electron transfer in atomistic details.
1. Lee, M. S., Salsbury, F. R., Jr., and Brooks, C. L., III (2004),
Proteins 56, 738-752.
2. Khandogin J, Brooks CL 3rd., Biophys J. 2005 Jul;89(1):141-57.
Epub 2005 Apr 29.
3. Mongan, J.; Case, D. A.; McCammon, J. A. J., Comput. Chem. 2004,
25, 2038–2048
4. Donnini S, Tegeler F, Groenhof G, Grubmüller H., J. Chem Theory
and Comp 7: 1962- 1978 (2011) | de |
dc.contributor.coReferee | Müller, Marcus Prof. Dr. | de |
dc.contributor.thirdReferee | Steinem, Claudia Prof. Dr. | de |
dc.subject.topic | Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB) | de |
dc.subject.ger | pKa-Werte | de |
dc.subject.ger | Molekulardynamik | de |
dc.subject.ger | Molekulardynamik Simulationen mit explizitem Lösemittel und kontantem pH-Wert | de |
dc.subject.ger | Cytochrom C aus Rhodopseudomonas viridis | de |
dc.subject.ger | epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor | de |
dc.subject.ger | Cardiotoxin | de |
dc.subject.ger | Titratio | de |
dc.subject.eng | pKa | de |
dc.subject.eng | Molecular Dynamics | de |
dc.subject.eng | explicit silvent constant pH MD | de |
dc.subject.eng | Cytochrome C from Rhodopseudomonas viridis | de |
dc.subject.eng | Epidermal Growth Factor | de |
dc.subject.eng | Cardiotoxin | de |
dc.subject.eng | titration | de |
dc.subject.bk | 30 | de |
dc.identifier.urn | urn:nbn:de:gbv:7-webdoc-3747-9 | de |
dc.identifier.purl | webdoc-3747 | de |
dc.affiliation.institute | Göttinger Graduiertenschule für Neurowissenschaften und Molekulare Biowissenschaften (GGNB) | de |
dc.identifier.ppn | 731468341 | de |