Analyse der Verletzungen verunfallter motorisierter Zweiradfahrer unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Polytraumatisierter im Göttinger Polytraumaregister
Analysis of the injuries of motorized two-wheelers with particular reference to multiple traumatized patients of the Göttinger Polytraumaregister
by Susanne Vatterodt
Date of Examination:2010-02-10
Date of issue:2010-02-10
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Klaus Dresing
Referee:Prof. Dr. Klaus Dresing
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The injuries of 95 patients who had an accident during the period 01.07.2004 to the 30.06.2007 with a motorised two-wheeled vehicle were analyzed in view of personal qualities, factors of influence at the accident time, and economic and individual consequences of the accident. 92.63% of the victims were male, 7.37% female. The average age was 36.1
Keywords: Traffic accident; Motorcycle accident; Two-wheeled vehicle accident; Injury; Injury patterns; Polytrauma; Prevention
Schlagwörter: Verkehrsunfälle; Motorradunfälle; Zweiradunfälle; Verletzungen; Verletzungsmuster; Polytrauma; Prävention