In- vitro- Untersuchung der Effektivität verschiedener Lacke zur Prävention von White- Spot- Läsionen im Rahmen kieferorthopädischer Behandlungen
in- vitro- study concerning the efficacy of different varnishes in order to prevent white spot lesions during orthodontic treatments
by Tessa Kroker
Date of Examination:2013-05-13
Date of issue:2013-04-22
Advisor:PD Dr. Dirk Ziebolz
Referee:Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausberg
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kubein-Meesenburg
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The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of two fluoride containing sealants and a chlorhexidine and thymol containing varnish to prevent white spot lesions in a biological caries model in vitro. 65 enamel specimens were prepared from noncarious extracted human molars and randomly allocated into four groups (A: Cervitec Plus®, B: Maximum Cure®, C: Pro Seal®, D: positive control, E: negative control; groups A-D n=15, group E n=5). Prior starting the experimental phase there was a baseline measurement using light induced quantitative fluorescence (QLF). At the beginning of the experimental phase groups A-C received a sealant and varnish application respectively. Demineralization cycles were carried out for one hour three times per day, using a biological demineralization solution with storage in artificial saliva in between. Over night the specimens were stored in artificial saliva as well. Lesion depth expressed in percentage fluorescence loss (ΔF in %) and the increase of the WS Area (in mm2) compared to baseline was measured quantitatively with light-induced fluorescence (QLF) after 7, 14 and 30 days; the results of these measurements were statistically analysed. Furthermore the correlation between the parameters percentage fluorescence loss and the increase of the WS Area were assessed. Except the negative control all groups showed significant fluorescence loss and an increase of the WS Area respectively. After 30 days the positive control showed the pronounced changes of the examined parameters. Within the tested products Cervitec Plus® showed the pronounced changes of ΔF and WS Area whereas Maximum Cure® and Pro Seal® showed no significant changes after 30 days. Comparing the groups it became clear, that Cervitec Plus® in the contrary to Maximum Cure® and Pro Seal® showed significant differences compared to the negative control but not in comparison to the positive control. In addition to that Cervitec Plus® tended to show a major change of ΔF and a significant change of the WS Area compared to Maximum Cure® and Pro Seal®. Between the two parameters ΔF and the increase of the WS Area a significant correlation could be recognized. In conclusion the results showed that the applied caries model is a capable method to simulate the clinical demineralization process in a simplified way in vitro. Moreover the results indicate that in contrast to the chlorhexidine and thymol containing varnish Cervitec Plus® the fluoride containing sealants Maximum Cure® and Pro Seal® efficiently inhibited demineralization, considering the framework of the study. Due to the limited transferability of in vitro study results further clinical studies should follow.
Keywords: white spot lesions; white spot lesions; white spot lesions