Eine vergleichende In-vitro-Studie zur maschinellen Wurzelkanalpräparation mit den Nickel-Titan-Systemen S5, Mtwo und ProTaper Universal
A comparative study of root canal preparation using S5, Mtwo and ProTaper Universal rotary instruments
von Friederike Linßen
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2013-06-11
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann
Gutachter:PD Dr. Nikolaus Gersdorff
The introduction of rotary endodontic instruments made of nickel titanium has led to an important progress in endodontic treatment. Meanwhile there are numerous NiTi instruments on the market mainly varying in file design. In the present study three rotary nickel titanium systems, Mtwo, S5, and ProTaper Universal, were compared using a standardized method. The following parameters have been investigated: Straightening of root canal curvature, cross section, cleaning efficiency, working time and working safety. This current study was performed on 60 mandibular molars with a root canal curvature between 20 and 40 degrees which were prepared with one of the three NiTi systems according to the manufacturers` recommendations. Concerning the root canal curvature there has not been any significant difference between the systems. The three systems showed a good shaping ability with no major reduction of root canal curvature. The mean straightening was 1.1°, while the radius only increased less than 1 mm for the majority of prepared root canals. Each of the investigated instruments is able to preserve the position and anatomy of the original root canal. The results concerning the evaluation of the post-operative cross section (round, oval, or irregular) did not show any significant differences either. The majority of root canal segments in all three study groups showed an acceptable cross sectional design after preparation. To investigate the cleaning efficiency the parameters smear layer and debris have been evaluated using the SEM. Complete cleanliness of the root canal walls could not be achieved with any of the three systems. Mots specimens showed acceptable cleanliness with no significant differences between the groups. The only significant difference could be found concerning the working time. Root canal preparation using Mtwo files was significantly faster than preparation with S5 or ProTaper Universal, which mainly is due to the design of the cutting flutes. Only few procedural incidents as ledging, apical blockage or file separation occurred. The three tested NiTi systems can be characterized as safe to use. It can be concluded from this study that the tested rotary NiTi instruments can be recommended for use in preparation of curved root canals. Root canal cleaning has to be supported by thorough irrigation. A comparison of the results of the present study to other studies on nickel titanium files shows that there are only some minor clinically relevant differences between the different systems.The present results are similiar to other studies, which underlines the conclusion that the tested endodontic files S5, Mtwo and ProTaper Universal correspond to modern requirements.
Keywords: Root Canal Preparation; NiTi; S5; Mtwo; ProTaper Universal
Schlagwörter: Maschinelle Wurzelkanalpräparation; Nickel-Titan