Trade-offs between seascape and offshore wind farming values: An analysis of local opinions based on a cognitive belief framework
von Kira Gee
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2013-05-15
Betreuer:Dr. Andreas Kannen
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Werner Kreisel
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Horst Sterr
Name:2013_Dissertation_Gee_Seascape and offshore ...pdf
Offshore wind farming is gaining increasing momentum in Germany. Given the wide range of other sea uses in the North Sea, the potential for contention is high. This study traces attitudes to offshore wind farming among local residents on the West coast of Schleswig-Holstein. It is an explorative, qualitative study which evaluates expected impacts based on a non-representative questionnaire survey in selected municipalities. Since landscape aesthetics play a particular role in determining the acceptance of wind farming on land, the study particularly focuses on the role of seascape values in determining acceptance of offshore wind farming. In order to establish the range of values carried by the sea, a new definition of ‘seascape’ is developed encompassing physical properties (forms), visual-aesthetic elements as well as the ‘sea of the mind’. A cognitive belief framework is constructed to establish how opinions on offshore wind farming are formed. It includes basic human beliefs as the first order of cognition, followed by beliefs about nature, sea and West coast values and finally attitude to offshore wind farming. Qualitative links emerge between particular images of nature, nature ideologies and sea values; these in turn are linked to West coast values and with these offshore wind farming values. Results show the existence of four basic types indicative of trade-offs between offshore wind farming values and marine values at different stages of the cognitive belief framework: the ‘conservationist type’, the ‘aesthetic type’, the clean energy proponent’, and the ‘utilitarian type’. Strong existence value assigned to the marine environment, the belief that nature is fragile and the belief that offshore wind farming will damage the marine environment is likely to lead to a negative attitude to offshore wind farming. In contrast, strong moral convictions associated with offshore wind farming (such as strong beliefs in offshore wind farming) are likely to tip the balance in favour of offshore wind even if nature and sea values are also considered important. Ultimately, however, there is no simple yes or no to offshore wind farming as support or rejection is always the result of a complex internal process driven by subjective rationalities. Since circumstances change, the results described in this study must be interpreted as a snapshot in time. Nevertheless, the overall concept can readily be transferred to other settings and contexts. The benefit of the approach is that it leads to better understanding of the positions taken up by stakeholders, facilitating process of negotiation and debate.
Keywords: Offshore wind farming; seascape; trade-offs; beliefs; values; attitudes; cognitive belief framework; West coast of Schleswig-Holstein; qualitative study