Randschlussuntersuchung von Kompositfüllungen unter Einfluss von Brauchwasserdesinfektionsmitteln zahnärztlicher Behandlungseinheiten
Border seal investigation on resin composite fillings under the influence of disinfectants of dental units
von Franziska Fischer geb. Boven
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2013-12-03
Betreuer:PD Dr. Dirk Ziebolz
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausberg
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz-Josef Kramer
Name:Dissertation Franziska Fischer .pdf
The border seal of resin composite fillings under the influence of disinfectants was investigated after dye penetration with methylene blue. One hundred and sixty human molars were divided in four different groups of disinfectants (n=40 Each group; CHX=C, Alpron®=A, Dentosept®=D) and water (=W) as the control group. The molars were filled in a class-II-cavities (one margin in enamel and one in dentin) with two different resin composites with correlating adhesive systems while using one of the disinfectants as a solution resulting in eight subgroups (n=20; Prime&Bond NT®+ Spektrum® and Optibond FL® + Herculite XVR Ultra®). The solution was sprayed over the cavity afterwards for two more minutes. Half of the teeth were stored in artificial saliva for 180 days and thermocycled (5°C/55°C, 2000cycles), half were stored for 24 hours. The marginal integrity was then investigated by dye penetration with methylene blue. The penetration was measured by two different readers. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using ANOVA test (Significance level p < or = 0.0001). Disinfectants however showed no significant influence on either of the tested composites. The enamel site showed statistically significant less penetration than the dentin site. The specimen stored in artificial saliva showed statistically significant better results.
Keywords: disinfectant; resin composite
Schlagwörter: Brauchwasserdesinfektionsmittel; Kompositfüllungen