Spatio-temporal Approach to Transport Dynamics in the Mammalian Ventricular System
by Regina Johanna Faubel
Date of Examination:2013-11-22
Date of issue:2015-02-19
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Gregor Eichele
Referee:Prof. Dr. Gregor Eichele
Referee:Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schuh
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This thesis addresses circadian regulation of solute transport systems in the brain ventricular system. It was found that transport of solutes between blood and the ventricular lumen are subjected to circadian regulation and so are endocrine functions of the choroid plexus that resides in the ventricles. Moreover, this is the first description of a highly complex and tightly regulated flow pattern along the ventricular wall that is generated by cilia. Daytime-dependent changes in these patterns suggest circadian regulation of solute transport along the walls of the ventricular system.
Keywords: clock; circadian; cilia; choroid plexus; ventricle; cerebrospinal fluid; fluid dynamics; transport; brain targeting; flow pattern; ependyma; cilia orientation; humoral communication