Die institutionelle Herangehensweise an Kunst
Arthur Dantos analytische Ästhetik im Kontext des amerikanischen Pragmatismus
The institutional approach to art
Arthur Danto's analytic aesthetics in the context of American Pragmatism
by Ivan Popov
Date of Examination:2011-07-11
Date of issue:2014-01-30
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lauer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lauer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Frank Kelleter
Files in this item
Name:Ivan Popov Dissertation.pdf
The text deals with the origins of the so called "institutional" approach to contemporary art and reconstructs its ties with the philosophical tradition of American Pragmatism. A secial attention is dedicated to the construction of a general aesthetic theory based on the philosophical discussions on art from the 1960-ies onwards.
Keywords: theory of art; philosophical aesthetics; philosophy of contemporary art