ERCC1-Expression unter 5-FU- und Oxaliplatin-basierter multimodaler Therapie beim Rektumkarzinom (cUICC-Stadien II und III) - Potentielle prädiktive und prognostische Bedeutung
ERCC1 expression under 5-FU and oxaliplatin-based multimodal treatment in rectal cancer (cUICC II and III) - Potential predictive and prognostic impact
by Korbinian Andreas Gauß
Date of Examination:2014-05-27
Date of issue:2014-05-19
Advisor:Dr. Lena-Christin Conradi
Referee:Prof. Dr. Torsten Liersch
Referee:PD Dr. Hendrik Wolff
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Purpose:The application of neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy (RCT) improves local control of patients with advanced rectal cancer. Current clinical trials focus on therapy intensification (e.g. using oxaliplatin) and the investigation of predictive and prognostic biomarkers. In this regard, the ERCC1 expression was investigated in UICC-II/-III rectal cancer patients. Patients and Methods: The study included 211 rectal cancer patients (148 male, 63 female; median age 63 years). All patients received standardized multimodal treatment using 5-FU (n=138) or 5-FU in combination with Oxaliplatin (n=73). ERCC1 expression was determined in pretherapeutical tumor biopsies and resection specimens using immunohistochemistry. The results were correlated with clinicopathological parameters [e.g. tumorregression grade (TRG), postoperative nodal-status (ypN)] and long-term survival. Results: ERCC1 expression was significantly lower in resection specimens compared to pretherapeutical tumor tissue (p<0,05). The pretherapeutical expression showed no correlation with clinicopathological response. High pretherapeutical ERCC1 expression was associated with an increased rate of local recurrences (p=0,031). Conclusion: ERCC1 expression appeared as a potential prognostic biomarker in advanced rectal cancer and should therefore be validated and further investigated in prospective clinical trials.
Keywords: rectal cancer; ercc1; oxaliplatin; colorectal cancer; ERCC1
Schlagwörter: ERCC1; Rektumkarzinom; Kolorektales Karzinom; Oxaliplatin