Chromosomenaberrationsanalysen zur Bestimmung von DNA-Schäden durch unterschiedliche Bestrahlungstechniken bei der Strahlentherapie von Patienten mit Prostatakarzinomen
Analysis of chromosomale aberrations for the identifikation of DNA-defects through different methods of irradiation on the radiationtherapie of patients with prostatecancer
by Nadine Thüne
Date of Examination:2014-07-23
Date of issue:2014-07-21
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Patricia Virsik-Köpp
Referee:Prof. Dr. Andrea Hille
Referee:Prof. Dr. Margarete Schön
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The radiation effect on lymphocytes of patients with prostatecancer after radiotherapie through different technics were analyzed and compared in this dissertation. For this the simple aberrations of chromosomale exchances were analyzed using the 3-coloured- Fluoreszenz-in situ-hybridisation. Blood samples from patients were extracted before starting therapie, 1 and 2 years after ending therapie. On the basis of irradiation methods the patients were arranged to 4 groups: HDR, RapidArc, IMRT, another irradiation technics. Retrospectively was shown, that exists no directly correlation between the spontaneous rates of simple aberrations of chromosomal exchances and the dimension of the secondary effects. It shows a trend, that the group with higher spontaneous chromosomal exchances has more heavy secondary effects grade II and III. The patients with RapidArc or HDR+RapidArc-therapie gets mainly soft secondary effects grade I. The patients with another irradiation technics gets mainly heavy secondary effects grade II and III.
Keywords: prostatecancer