A functional analysis of a signaling center of the insect head
by Georg Oberhofer
Date of Examination:2014-03-07
Date of issue:2014-08-06
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Gregor Bucher
Referee:Prof. Dr. Andreas Wodarz
Referee:Prof. Dr. Steven Johnsen
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Most of our knowledge on embryonic development comes from the fruit y Drosophila melanogaster. An elaborate genetic model explains the segmentation process in the trunk. However, the anterior head region is patterned in a di erent way, and many details are not well understood so far. This work analyzes the genetic regulations that govern anterior head patterning in the the red our beetle Tri- bolium castaneum. Especially, functional analysis with RNAi against crucial components of the Wnt and hedgehog signaling pathways is used to reveal the genetic interactions of these. In addition, the combination of reverse genetics with next generation sequencing is applied to identify downstream genetic components of these signaling pathways and to discriminate between anterior and posterior targets in the early germ band. With this work I propose a new model for the patterning of the antennal segment in Tribolium based on the cross regulation of head-gap genes, gap-genes and segment polarity genes. The RNAseq approach successfully identi ed target genes of the Wnt and hedgehog pathways, as con rmed via in situ hybridization, showing the great potential of this method. Finally, this study reveals an unexpected essential role of Tc-senseless in hindgut establishment.
Keywords: Wnt; hedgehog; RNAi; RNAseq; head; growth zone