Beyond punishment: Achieving sustainable compliance with the law. The case of coca-reducing policies in Colombia
by Juanita Vasquez-Escallon
Date of Examination:2015-02-27
Date of issue:2015-04-21
Advisor:PD Dr. Marcela Ibañez Diaz
Referee:Prof. Dr. Axel Dreher
Referee:Prof. Dr. Stephan Klasen
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Description:Final Dissertation
The problem of illegal drugs is not contained in producing countries, but represents a global threat. My research focuses on how to achieve illegal crop reduction and compliance with the law in a sustainable fashion without exclusively relying on costly punishment, but by: ensuring State legitimacy (paper 1), fostering a culture of legality (paper 2), changing attitudes towards illegality (paper 3), and strengthening mechanisms of community control (paper 4). The dissertation is composed of four essays, each one studying one of these perspectives.
Keywords: Drug policy; Alternative Development; Colombia; Framed-field experiment; Dishonesty; Illegal behavior; Law compliance; State legitimacy