Rolle der d-COP-Untereinheit im frühen sekretorischen Pfad
Role of the d-COP-subunit in the early secretory pathway
by Kora Pauline Richter
Date of Examination:2015-06-16
Date of issue:2015-06-05
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Blanche Schwappach
Referee:PD Dr. Sven Thoms
Referee:Prof. Dr. Martin Oppermann
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Intracellular communication is mediated by different pathways and signals. The ER and Golgi apparatus are communicationally connected via the COP I and II vesicles. Hereby COP I is responsible for retrograde transport from Golgi to ER. A closer look at the COP I vesicle structure releaves a heteromeric heptamer. The d-COP-subunit seems to be important for the retrieval of luminal proteins back to the ER through the KDEL receptor. In this project a strain is created to analyse the function of d-COP through a complementational assay with a human gen in yeast. The findings include the relevant part of d-COP responsible for protein retrieval and bring us one step closer to understanding the pathology of diseases.
Keywords: KDEL-receptor; COPI; vesicle transport; Endoplasmatic Reticulum; Golgi
Schlagwörter: KDEL-Rezeptor; ER; Golgi; COPI; Vesikeltransport