Essays on effects of policy interventions in the realm of food standards, trade, and the German labour market
by Malte Ehrich
Date of Examination:2017-03-24
Date of issue:2017-03-31
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brümmer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brümmer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
Referee:Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib
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The first three essays (Chapters 3, 4, and 5) analyse under which conditions positive or negative effects of standards on trade overweight. We look at the following different determinants: market structure, product complexity, quality of public institutions, and type of standards. The first essay addresses the role of market structures by arguing that country-pairs with high trade volumes will trade even more once standards become stricter whereas country-pairs with low trade volumes trade even less. The second essay uses fixed costs of compliance as well as point of departure. It focuses on non-monetary aspects of fixed costs by analysing the role of institutional quality and its relevance for exports of various food products which differ in terms of complexity and degree of processing. Finally, the third essay is complementary to the second essay since it argues that product complexity matters for the direction of the effect of standards on trade. It considers the IFS as an important private standard for processed food products. The fourth essay in Chapter 6 is unrelated to the overall topic of food standards and trade. It focuses on the effects of the “Agenda 2010” as the most comprehensive labour market reform in Germany after World War II on labour market outcomes. This chapter is a novel contribution for this field of literature because it applies synthetic control methods (SCM) as unique causal identification strategy. Moreover, these reforms were meant to make the rigid German labour market more flexible and were accompanied by intensive debates in public. Thus, this chapter is of high policy relevance.
Keywords: Food standards; Empirical trade; Gravity; Maximum Residue Limits; Quantile regressions; Agenda 2010; Synthetic Control Methods; Labour market