Et poetis ipsis necessarium argentum / Humanistische Selbstdarstellungsstratgein auf dem Konzil von Konstanz
Et poetis ipsis nevessarium argentum /humanistic self-fashioning strategies at the council of Constance
by Zsuzsanna Kiséry
Date of Examination:2010-11-24
Date of issue:2017-04-04
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Thomas Haye
Referee:Prof. Dr. Johannes Helmrath
Referee:Prof. Dr. Frank Rexroth
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In my dissertation, I analyse humanist self-fashioning strategies through 15th-century examples. The examples discussed can be tied to the Council of Constance as a historical event. My aim is the analysis of the representation and interpretation of humanist self-consciousness and attitude, and not the systematic following of and elaboration on the humanists’ activities at the Council. The fact that I mention humanist self-image and attitude rather than humanism indicates that I approach the new culture not from the direction of new contents and ideologies, but from forms of conduct and gestures with which the representatives of this new culture project an image of themselves as new. In this sense, self-fashioning is an important component of humanist self-consciousness itself: it is an intellectual performance that is naturally authenticated by the possession of the substantial values of the new culture.
Keywords: Humanism; Council of Constance; Pier Paolo Vergerio; Poggio Bracciolini; Benedetto da Piglio; self-fashioning