Bestimmung der Quantität der mRNA ausgewählter Proteine der extrazellulären Matrix des Alveolarknochens mithilfe der real-time RT-PCR
Determining the mRNA quantity of selected proteins of the extracellular matrix in the alveolar bone
by Christian Große Steffen
Date of Examination:2017-07-25
Date of issue:2017-07-12
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Nicolai Miosge
Referee:Prof. Dr. Nicolai Miosge
Referee:PD Dr. Dr. Rudolf Gruber
Files in this item
The objective is to determine the mRNA quantity of selected proteins of the extracellular matrix in the alveolar bone with the help of real-time RT-PCR. The proteins were selected because of their involvement in remodeling and the possible influence on the healing of dental implants and bone augmentation. The particular composition in the alveolar bone will be examined. An immunohistological examination of the human alveolar bone and the human tibia serves as further method for the characterization of the alveolar bone.
Keywords: alveolar bone; extracellular matrix proteins; real-time RT-PCR; bone remodeling