Conservation physiology of two closely related, sympatric lemur species, the fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius), and the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus)
by Hasina Josué Rakotoniaina
Date of Examination:2016-11-04
Date of issue:2017-10-30
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Peter M. Kappeler
Referee:Prof. Dr. Peter M. Kappeler
Referee:Prof. Dr. Eckhard W. Heymann
Referee:Prof. Dr. Mark Maraun
Referee:Dr. Matthias Waltert
Referee:Dr. Oliver Schülke
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The detrimental effects of human-induced habitat loss and degradation on wildlife are pervasive and represent a primary concern for conservation biologists. Understanding how organisms accurately recognise and respond to these challenges is therefore an important goal of conservation-related research. Species are known to respond differently to anthropogenic disturbance and while some are relatively good at coping with a certain degree of perturbation, some face drastic population decline. This heterogeneity in coping abilities has been generally connected to various biological attributes such as life history characteristics, the degree of diet specialization, and geographical range size. Yet, the underlying mechanisms that drive this species-specific variability in the ability to respond to environmental change and challenges in wild populations remain largely unknown. The aim of this thesis was to examine how two sympatric lemur species, the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) and the fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius) - that differ in various aspects of their life histories and their apparent susceptibility to habitat disturbance - were physiologically affected by anthropogenic disturbances, and in turn, how physiological parameters impacted on general health and fitness output. Specifically, I first investigated how the link between habitat disturbance and various health indicators such as the stress level (measured as hair cortisol concentration, HCC), general body condition (measured as scaled mass index, SMI), and patterns of parasitism (prevalence, morphotype richness, multiple infection) might differ in the two species. I selected four populations of M. murinus and C. medius that were subjected to a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance in Kirindy Forest, western Madagascar, and compared these health indicators among sites. Secondly, I strived to identify the nature and magnitude of the interrelationships among those health indicators by investigating how HCC influenced SMI and parasite infection using a confirmatory path analysis. Finally, by using a mark-capture-recapture modelling approach, I evaluated the power of the health indicators to predict survival. This last part could only be conducted for M. murinus and for the most suitable habitat. Contrary to the assumption of a deteriorating health (increased HCC and parasitism, and decreased SMI) with increasing level of disturbance, I discovered in the first study that all health indicators were comparable among sites in C. medius. In M. murinus, neither HCC, nor parasitism patterns (prevalence, parasite species richness and rate of multiple infections) varied across the gradient of anthropogenic disturbance, yet body condition was highest in the most disturbed site. Those results suggest that levels of habitat disturbance may not always be reflected in the physiological health indicator values, probably due to the capacity of animals to develop a range of behavioural adaptations in order to deal with suboptimal conditions. However, the difference in relative density among the study sites and the constantly lower density of C. medius in comparison to M. murinus imply that, to some extent, both species are negatively affected by environmental changes, with a higher impact on C. medius. Moreover, I found in the second study that there were no associations among HCC, SMI and parasite infection in the fast-living M. murinus. In the slow living C. medius, I detected a direct positive influence of HCC on parasite morphotype richness, in accordance with the assumption of a reduced immunity in highly stressed individuals. Surprisingly, SMI also showed a positive relationship with HCC especially prior to hibernation. Glucocorticoids (GCs) seem to play a key role in mediating the trade-off between energetic requirements prior to hibernation and an increased susceptibility to parasite infection in C. medius. I finally observed that, following predictions, mouse lemurs with high HCC values experience lowered survival probabilities both at the semi-annual and monthly scale. Individuals with very good body condition (high SMI values) also benefited from higher semi-annual survival in comparison to individuals with mid to low SMI values, but this advantage was not detected at the monthly scale. Survival was not affected by pattern of parasitism. Those last results highlight the negative impact of long-term elevated GC levels on survival and hence population dynamics, and suggest differential strength of selection acting on GCs, body condition, and parasite infection. In conclusion, the results of this thesis suggest that while they might not always accurately report differences in levels of habitat disturbance, GC hormones can be central in mediating energetic trade-offs, and more importantly, variations of GC levels can predict fitness. The degree of flexibility of the stress response to environmental perturbations might, at least partly, dictate the ability of a given species to cope with harsh condition. Moreover, these findings emphasize the importance of conducting an assessment of the effect of GCs on fitness when using physiological data in conservation-related research.
Keywords: conservation physiology; stress; parasitism; body condition; glucocorticoid; Microcebus murinus; Cheirogaleus medius; lemurs; Madagascar