Topological construction of C*-correspondences for groupoid C*-algebras
by Rohit Dilip Holkar
Date of Examination:2014-09-12
Date of issue:2015-09-09
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Ralf Meyer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Jean Renault
Referee:Prof. Dr. Thomas Schick
Files in this item
Description:Doctoral Thesis
Let G and H be locally compact, Hausdor groupoids with Haar systems. We de fine a topological correspondence from G to H to be a G-H bispace X carrying a G-quasi invariant and H-invariant family of measures. We show that such a correspondence gives a C*-correspondence from C *(G) to C* (H). If the groupoids and the spaces are second countable, then this construction is functorial. We show that under a certain amenability assumption, similar results hold for the reduced C *-algebras. We apply this theory of correspondences to study induction techniques for groupoid representations, construct morphisms of Brauer groups and produce some odd unbounded KK-cycles.
Keywords: groupoid; topological correspondences; groupoid representation; induced representations; Brauer group; groupoid morphisms; bicategory