Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Unterkieferbewegung mittels Videosequenz- und 3D-Ultraschallanalyse
Comparative investigations about lower jaw movement with video- and 3D-ultrasound analysis
by Janna Marie Edelhoff
Date of Examination:2015-09-23
Date of issue:2015-09-15
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Gersdorff
Referee:Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Gersdorff
Referee:PD Dr. Sabine Sennhenn-Kirchner
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Objectives/Introduction: Several equipments are available to quantify mandibular motion but with short clinical appliance, in most cases due to its elevated cost and complexity, thus encouraging the search of alternative systems. Method: A simultaneous register of computerized axiography from ARCUSdigma® device, as a gold standard method, and two-dimensional videography were performed during specific movements for the functional evaluation of the mandible. A total of 32 volunteers participated (Age: 27.2 ± 6.8 – Gender: 17 F - 15 M) executing 5 repetitions of two characteristic movements: the Posselt sagittal and frontal maximum movements. Results: Commonly assessed parameters from each diagram were obtained and compared: Maximum Opening, Maximum Protrusion, Rigth Laterotrusion and Left Laterotrusion. Reconstructed data from 2D videography compared with ARCUSdigma incisal sensor data, show that this tool can reproduce the Posselt frontal diagrams and the Maximum Opening parameter.
Keywords: lower jaw movement; TMD (tempormandibular disorder); ARCUSdigma; videoanalysis
Schlagwörter: Unterkieferbewegung; CMD (Craniomandibuläre Dysfunktion); ARCUSdigma; Videoanalyse