Dual Fermion Approach to Disordered Correlated Systems
von Patrick Haase
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2015-09-25
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Thomas Pruschke
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Reiner Kree
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Thomas Pruschke
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Fakher Assaad
Disorder is ubiquitous in real materials and influences the physical properties like the conductivity to varying degrees. If electron-electron interactions are strong, theoretical and numerical treatment of these systems becomes challenging. In this thesis a numerical approach is developed to address these systems, treating both interactions and disorder on equal footing. The approach is based on the dual fermion approach for interacting systems developed by Rubtsov et al. Terletska et al. applied the ideas of the dual fermion approach to disordered non-interacting systems. In this approach, the replica trick is used to integrate out the disorder in favor of an effective electron-electron interaction. We extended the approach from Terletska et al. to treat disordered interacting systems. Dual Fermions allow to take into account non-local fluctuations by means of a perturbative expansion around an impurity problem. The impurity reference system is determined self-consistently, analogously to the dynamical mean-field theory. The perturbative expansion is expected to yield good results for small and large values of interaction strength and disorder. A priori, it is not clear what to expect for intermediate values, but experience shows that oftentimes good results are obtained for this region. An advantage of the dual fermion approach is that there is no sign-problem for a single orbital model if quantum Monte Carlo is used to solve the interacting reference system. Additionally, perturbation theory is usually numerically much cheaper than fully solving an interacting lattice or cluster problem. Thus, the dual fermion approach allows to address regions of parameter space that are not accessible to lattice quantum Monte Carlo calculations or cluster extension of dynamical mean-field theory. Cluster extensions of the dynamical mean-field theory are for example the dynamical cluster approximation or the cellular dynamical mean-field theory. The new approach is benchmarked with respect to the Anderson-Falicov-Kimball model. The Anderson-Hubbard model is the main application. For both models, the algorithm is tested in one dimension for the single particle Green function and compared to the dynamical cluster approximation to estimate the quality of the results. The Anderson-Falicov-Kimball model is studied further in two dimensions and the phase diagram on the disorder-interaction plane is calculated from both the single particle Green function and the dc conductivity. For the Anderson-Hubbard model, the antiferromagnetic phase transition, the Mott transition and the Anderson transition are investigated in three dimensions. The dynamical mean-field theory results are qualitatively confirmed for the most part. Quantitative corrections are in agreement with dynamical cluster approximation results, thus confirming the validity of the results. We found a qualitative difference between the dual fermion approach and dynamical mean-field theory for the temperature dependence of the hysteresis of the double occupancy. The dual fermion result shows a decreasing lower critical interaction strength for decreasing temperature, which is in contrast with the dynamical mean-field result that shows an increase of the lower critical interaction strength. This behavior happens for small temperatures that are not accessible using for example the dynamical cluster approximation, thus highlighting the usefulness of the dual fermion approach. We found this behavior for all values of the disorder that we considered.
Keywords: dual fermions; disordered interacting; dual fermion approach; Anderson-Falicov-Kimball model; Anderson-Hubbard model