Decaying Dark Matter models at colliders
by Federico Dradi
Date of Examination:2015-07-20
Date of issue:2016-04-07
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Laura Covi
Referee:Prof. Dr. Steffen Schumann
Referee:Prof. Dr. Karl-Henning Rehren
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After the first run of LHC, no signal of new physics has been found in terms of the DM motivated channels containing missing energy. Even though the next LHC run could still detect a WIMP-like signal, especially from the electroweakly charged sector, we investigate in this thesis the phenomenology of two models, beyond the SM of particle physics, for unstable DM which are expected to show up as cosmological consistent signals at colliders. These signals are represented by long-lived particles, metastable particles and, finally, prompt particles while their cosmological consistency lies in the requirements that DM is in agreement with the indirect detection constraints, the value of the present-day DM and, at last, with baryonic asymmetry via thermal leptogenesis (only for gravitino).
Keywords: Dark Matter at colliders