Telling stories or solving problems? The 20-20-20 package and the efficiency of EU Climate Change Policies
by Jan Christian Schinke
Date of Examination:2016-05-24
Date of issue:2016-06-20
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Robert Schwager
Referee:Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib
Referee:Prof. Dr. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
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The main instrument for the EU climate change protection plans relies on the 20-20-20 by 2020 targets. This roadmap, adopted in 2008, is the result of years of continuing work for a joint programme for Europe-wide application of a common framework of climate change policies. The positive developments from the past are the guideline for further tightening of the environmental policies for European member states, enterprises and citizens. A unified market for pollution permits, the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), is the main instrument to reduce the emissions of GHG. Within the framework of carbon saving policies, the EU members have different obligations. The burden-sharing agreement takes care about that fact, that different countries face different (economic) conditions. Further components are the ecological targets to reduce energy input and raise the efficiency of energy use, as well as a higher share of renewable energies in total energy production. Three analyses address first the question of how to reach higher emission savings without higher costs within the framework of a national allocation plan (NAP) for carbon permits when other policies are implemented simultaneously. If the NAP cannot be adjusted, both instruments seem to neutralise each other. EU member states have to raise the share of renewable energy sources. The second analysis presents a thought experiment as a country comparison for a selected technology: what if the solar power plant installations undertaken in Germany had been installed in Sicily? The thought experiment illustrates the need for a fit between geographical conditions and technology. Europe-wide balanced policies for RES would lead to a higher amount of installed green energy capacities without higher costs. Finally, the EU puts pressure on national states to use energy more efficiently. Thus, addressing the European level, the third analysis proves for the influence of the Kyoto Protocol obligations and the following EU Burden-Sharing Agreement on European policies to increase energy efficiency. Through the more efficient use of electricity additional carbon savings will be realised. But are these savings caused endogenously through economic growth and population, or do policies put (effective) pressure on consumers' electricity consumption?
Keywords: Climate Change Policies; Energy Efficieny; Renewable Energies; Photovoltaics; REFIT; EU-ETS; Emission Permits; Europe; Italy; Germany
Schlagwörter: Klimaschutzpolitik; Energieeffizienz; Erneuerbare Energien; Photovoltaik; Emissionsrechte; Europa; Deutschland; Italien