Unbiased evaluation and development of Green's-function-based density-matrix functionals
by Ebad Kamil
Date of Examination:2016-07-06
Date of issue:2016-10-25
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Peter E. Blöchl
Referee:Prof. Dr. Peter E. Blöchl
Referee:Prof. Dr. Stefan Kehrein
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Description:Main article
Ab-initio calculations are dominated by density functional theory (DFT), which provides an efficient and accurate description of the electronic structure for most materials. For materials with strong correlations, however, many of the available density functionals yield poor results. Most well known is the case of transition metal oxides, for which most density functionals produce a qualitatively incorrect description. There is a quest to improve the description by borrowing from methods specifically designed for strongly correlated materials. One of the method which is widely used to study strongly correlated electron system in the thermodynamic limit is the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). For calculations pertaining to real materials, hybrid approaches like DFT+DMFT are commonly used. We consider reduced density-matrix functional theory (rDMFT) to be a useful framework for a rigorous formulation of such hybrid theories. The link from rDMFT to many-particle wave functions has been established by Levy's constrained-search algorithm on the one hand. The link to many-body perturbation theory and Green's function, on the other hand, has been provided via the Luttinger-Ward functional. The development in the field of rDMFT proceeded analogously to the development of DFT. In order to avoid the full complexity of an explicit many-body description, most density-matrix functionals are not extracted from the exact expressions i.e. via Levy's constrained-search or Green's function based methods . Rather, one proceeds analogously to the development of density functionals, namely by searching models for the density-matrix functional, that capture the most essential physical effects while having an algebraic dependence on the density matrix. Among such models, the most prominent ones are the Müller functional, Sharma functional and Marques-Lathiotakis functional. One of the major arguments in favor of density-matrix functionals is that one of the most simple functionals, the Müller functional, seems to provide a correct description of the bond-dissociation problem, for which common density functionals fail. Despite the successes, the common density-matrix functionals also reproduce a number of features in a qualitatively incorrect manner. Several such discrepancies of the standard state of the art density-matrix functionals are discussed in details in this thesis. The objective of this thesis is to study the performance of the class of commonly used model density-matrix functionals and to set the stage for the desire to develop the framework for an approximate scheme to evaluate new class of functionals from exact Green's function based method.
Keywords: rDMFT, strongly correlated electron system