N2 Splitting and Functionalization in the Coordination Sphere of Rhenium
by Isabel Christina Scheibel née Klopsch
Date of Examination:2016-12-16
Date of issue:2017-01-12
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider
Referee:Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider
Referee:Prof. Dr. Franc Meyer
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The first example of homogeneous N2 splitting mediated by rhenium as group 7 transition metal is reported and represents rare complete scission of the N-N bond in well-defined terminal nitrido complexes. These could be alkylated with electrophiles to imido complexes. Further functionalizations transform the nitrogen containing moeity into organonitriles under recovery of the starting material. Therefore, a synthetic cycle for the transformation of N2 into nitriles comprising three reaction steps is closed. Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of all involved complexes is presented.
Keywords: N2 splitting; rhenium; nitrogen fixation; small molecule activation; acetonitrile; pincer ligands