Elektrophysiologische Korrelate des Lern- und Wiedererkennungsprozesses in gesunden Probanden
Electrophysiological correlates of the learning process in healthy subjects
by Ricarda Stella Guninski
Date of Examination:2018-01-09
Date of issue:2018-01-04
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Andrea Antal
Referee:Prof. Dr. Andrea Antal
Referee:Prof. Dr. Melanie Wilke
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Name:Doktorarbeit Ricarda Stella Guninski (ohne L...pdf
Electrophysiological correlates of the knowing process in healthy subjects. The aim was to find bioelectrical correlates in subjects by using EEG and associative learning tasks. In times of the reproducibility crisis it was asked to reproduce data. There are typical oscillation findings in pre- and poststimulus oscillations during the learning process. For research concerning therapy approaches of neurodegenerative diseases it is very important to find out the physiological functions of the brain.
Keywords: EEG; theta oscillations; Hans Berger; Alzheimer; learning process; reproducibility crisis; electrophysiological correlates; remember; know
Schlagwörter: EEG; elektrophysiologische Korreltate; erinnern; wissen; Hans Berger; Theta; Beta; Lernprozess