The reconstitution of visual cortical feature selectivity in vitro
by Manuel Schottdorf
Date of Examination:2017-08-22
Date of issue:2018-02-09
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Fred Wolf
Referee:Prof. Dr. Jörg Enderlein
Referee:Prof. Dr. Walter Stühmer
Referee:Dr. Andreas Neef
Referee:Prof. Dr. Siegrid Löwel
Referee:Prof. Dr. Alexander Gail
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Information processing in the nervous system requires the co-ordinated activity of neurons interacting in complex circuits. Despite effort to understand the design principles underlying most neuronal circuits, they remain one of the greatest challenges facing science because not all contributing neuronal circuit elements can be selectively manipulated. Here, I developed a new approach to modify the wiring diagram of neuronal circuits by constructing synthetic hybrid systems composed of simulated and living nerve cells in which key features of the wiring diagram can be artificially modified. I used the mammalian early visual system as a model pathway to perform a first connectomic structure-function study. This synthetic biology approach complements classical neurobiology, broadens our understanding of neuronal circuits, and extends the realm of questions that can be addressed experimentally.
Keywords: primary visual cortex; V1; synthetic biology; optogenetics; holography; orientation preference; gender bias; peer review