Bestimmung der relativen Kieferknochendichte mittels digitalen Messverfahrens nach Defektauffüllungen mit ß-TCP unter Berücksichtigung der klinischen Verläufe
Determination of the relative bone density in jaws by using a digital measurement method after augmentation with ß-TCP considering clinical follow-up
by Galina Blem
Date of Examination:2018-03-07
Date of issue:2018-02-23
Advisor:PD Dr. Dr. Arwed Ludwig
Referee:Prof. Dr. Jan Menke
Referee:Prof. Dr. Martin Oppermann
Files in this item
Name:Dissertation Blem Galina.pdf
Preservation of bone-volume in the upper and lower jaw is an important premise in dental and oral surgery with regard to aesthetic issues, masticatory function and prosthetic rehabilitation. Resorption processes of the alveolar bone after tooth extraction, pathological space-occupying lesions, traumas and inflammatory processes limit the availability of bony tissue. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the clinical significance of the alloplastic bone graft material ß-TCP (ß-tricalcium phosphate) as an alternative to the autologous bone graft for augmentation in the jaw area. The evaluation included defects after apicoectomies (n = 181), extractions of teeth (n = 47) and osteotomies of third molars (n = 34), cystectomies (n = 14) and insertion of dental implants (n = 135) in the period from 5 to 17 months. On digital radiographs, using an image analysis software (ImageJ), the relative bone densities in ß-TCP augmented defects have been compared with the healthy surrounding bone. The results were used to assess bone regeneration. ImageJ as an additional non-invasive tool for the evaluation of bony defect morphology in the jaws after surgical interventions was described and tested for the usability in everyday practice. In addition, possible influencing factors such as the patient age, gender, defects of the maxilla and the mandible as well as postoperative complications during the mentioned period have been evaluated for bone healing. Involving clinical diagnosis and visual assessment of dental X-rays, the determination of relative bone density with ImageJ is a reliable and objective method. This method could be integrated as a supporting monitoring tool to clinical and radiographic findings for the assessment of bone defect regeneration in daily practice. Clinical complications in each indication group occurred sporadically. Most frequently, the apicoectomy group was affected by a complication rate of 21 % and a recurrence of 8.8 %. Good to very good results were achieved using ß-TCP for socket preservation, after teeth extractions, osteotomies, cystectomies, after apicoectomies and for sinus lift operations. In the case of augmentation of circular defects around the implant shoulder, a limited indication is given due to the absorption kinetics of ß-TCP. For such lateral bony defects it is recommended to use more stable bone graft materials.
Keywords: ß-TCP, ImageJ, relative bone density, apicoectomy, socket preservation, osteotomy, cystectomy, sinus lift, dental implants