In vivo super-resolution live-cell RESOLFT-microscopy of Drosophila melanogaster and Arabidopsis thaliana
by Sebastian Schnorrenberg
Date of Examination:2017-08-15
Date of issue:2018-04-23
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Stefan Jakobs
Referee:Prof. Dr. Stefan Jakobs
Referee:Dr. Halyna Shcherbata
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The optical resolution of conventional light microscopy is limited by the diffraction barrier of light. This resolution limit impedes the characterization of cellular structures featuring a size smaller than half the wavelength of light. RESOLFT (reversible saturable optical linear fluorescence transitions)-microscopy breaks the diffraction barrier by targeted swichting of fluorophores between separable states using low light levels. Since its first demonstration in 2005, RESOLFT-microscopy has proved its usability in high resolution imaging of living single cells. This work reports, for the first time, the establishment of RESOLFT microscopy in a multicellular organism, namely Drosophila melanogaster and its first application for in vivo-imaging. Using RESOLFT-microscopy on isolated tissues, a lateral resolution of 50 - 60 nm on single microtubule filaments was achieved. Additionally, the dynamic changes of the microtubule network were captured in high spatial resolution by recording 40 consecutive RESOLFT frames. The fluorescent probe rsEGFP2 enabled high resolution three dimensional imaging with 4 fold improved axial resolution. Using intact living Drosophila melanogaster larvae, in vivo high resolution RESOLFT imaging with a resolution of ~ 50 nm could be demonstrated, which up to now had not been shown. Moreover, this work reports on the first application of RESOLFT-microscopy in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The relatively low light levels used in RESOLFTmicroscopy enabled high resolution imaging in this light absorbing model organism of plant research. RESOLFT imaging of green leaf epidermis cells resulted in lateral resolution of ~ 70 nm. Further, it could be shown that the autofluorescence of chloroplasts can be excluded in the fluorescence recordings of rsEGFP2 using fluorescence lifetime gating. Time-lapse recording facilitated the characterization of the dynamic behaviour of microtubule filaments in epidermis cells over a period of approximately 1 hour without any signs of phototoxicity.
Keywords: high-resolution microscopy; Drosophila melanogaster