Prospektive Verlaufsstudie über die Auswirkung der RAAS-Blockade bei Trägern des Alport-Syndroms
Prospective follow-up study on the effect of RAAS blockade in carriers of Alport syndrome
von Niklas Glonke
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2018-07-11
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Oliver Gross
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Oliver Gross
Gutachter:PD Dr. Hendrik Rosewich
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Jochen Reiß
Name:Dissertation Glonke.pdf
The aim of the present study was the prospective follow-up of Alport patients with regard to disease progression. A main focus was on the consideration of the different therapy groups, which were divided after the start of therapy as well as the stage of the disease. A further point was the collection of phenotypic traits. These include eye and ear involvement and their correlation to the affected gene and course of disease, as well as the acquisition of current diagnostic standards by acquiring the time interval from symptom onset to diagnosis. The prospective observational study showed a significant difference (p = 0.0621) between the individual ACE inhibitor therapy groups in favor of early therapy. Thus, it can be confirmed that early intervention with ACE inhibitors delays disease progression more clearly than later intervention. In the group of early therapists (stages 0 and 1) there was no deterioration of the stages. With regard to the phenotypic changes, the respective characteristics could be recorded. In 62.5% of the cases there was an involvement of the ears and in 21.1% an ocular involvement. Carriers of the mutation COL4A5 are affected to a greater degree than COL4A3 / 4. Patients with a mutation in the COL4A5 gene had ear involvement in 63% of cases and ocular involvement in 29% of cases. In contrast, patients with a mutation in the COL4A3 / 4 gene showed an involvement of the ear in 40% and an ocular involvement in 10%. Patients with eyes and involvement with the ear were more likely to undergo dialysis than patients without involvement. The present study shows the correlation between phenotypic changes of the eyes and ears with the course of the disease and the time of dialysis start. An ear or eye involvement is associated with a more severe disease and increased dialysis rate.
Keywords: Alport