Extendierte adjuvante Chemotherapie mit Temozolomid in der Behandlung maligner Gliome - Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse zur Wirksamkeit und Hämatotoxizität im klinischen Alltag
Extended adjuvant chemotherapy with temozolomide in the treatment of malignant glioma - A retrospective data analysis of efficacy and hematotoxicity in clinical practice
by Julia Karges
Date of Examination:2018-10-29
Date of issue:2018-09-03
Advisor:PD Dr. Bawarjan Schatlo
Referee:Prof. Dr. Christof Kramm
Referee:Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausberg
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Name:Dissertation_Juila Karges_SUB.pdf
To receive a control over the efficiency as well as the compatibility of an extended temozolomide therapy, a retrospective analysis of data has been conducted in the context of this research. The data has been obtained out of neurosurgical-neurooncological tumour databases, files and admission notes. Objectives of the evaluation were the assessment of the haematological compatibility of the temozolomide therapy according to the EORTC regime and the extended therapy with more than 10 bouts of temozolomide. Furthermore, this research shall point out if the patients profit from a prolongation of chemotherapy bouts concerning a progression free survival or an overall survival. Out of a group of 551 patients suffering from a serious brain tumour, all patients receiving temozolomide as first line therapy have been considered. Out of this group, all those patients who were suffering from a recently discovered glioblastoma WHO-degree IV (n=221) have been chosen for the following analysis. 48 patients receiving more than 10 bouts of temozolomide have been included into a subgroup analysis for evaluating the extended temozolomide therapy. The data used for assessment has been collected via the MS-Access database and processed with the help of MS Excel and Graph-Pad-Prism. For 242 from 269 patients treated with a first line temozolomide therapy densely documented laboratory tests could be consulted for the analysis of haematotoxicity. For 26 out of 242 patients (10,7%) a haematotoxicity degree 3 or 4 has been documented. 25 out of these 26 patients had initially been treated concomitantly and only 1 had been treated adjuvantly. A thrombocytopenia degree 3 occurred with 7% of all patients followed by a leukcytopenia degree 3 or 4 with 4%. A life threatening thrombocytopenia degree 4 applied to 2% of the patients. There is no significant difference in haematological side effects between patients with a short-term or a long-term temozolomide therapy. Only 1 patient out of 48 extendedly treated with temozolomide (≥10 bouts) contracted haematotoxicity degree 3. The average overall survival of the patients showed a non-significant tendency of a better prognosis at the age of under 60 years. The OAS is 17 months for patients under 60 years and 14.9 months for patients over 60 years. A Karnofsky index of more than 70 correlated significantly with a median overall survival of 20 months as well as a progression free time of 11.6 months (p = 0.0006 respectively p = 0.0034 Wilcoxon test). Concerning the kind of operation, there are also significant differences in the overall survival (p = <0.0001): A resection to the greatest possible extend correlated with the longest median overall survival. Moreover, concerning the overall survival, there are significant differences due to the duration of the therapy. In the group of patients with less than 10 bouts of temozolomide the median overall survival was 15.3 months, whereas the comparison group with extended therapy (>10 bouts) reached a median overall survival of 35.8 months (p = 0.0001). The same result could be obtained concerning the progression free survival depending on the number of executed temozolomide bouts. The difference between an extended and a non-extended therapy was equally significant (p = <0.0001). However, in a group of patients who were progression free after 8 months, a post progression analysis did not show a significant difference concerning overall survival due to the duration of therapy (p = 0.61) The results of the paper at hand compared to the results of international research conducted so far lead to the conclusion that an extended treatment of patients with temozolomide can be prognostically favourable and without increased occurrence of serious haematotoxicities if the EORTC regime of 5 days of temozolomide therapy and 23 days of intermission is respected. The impact of this therapeutic modality on the overall survival and the progression free survival should be advanced in the context of a prospective research with a structured recording of further therapeutic results.
Keywords: Glioma Temozolomid