Study of active particles in heterogeneous media
by Zahra Mokhtari
Date of Examination:2018-05-29
Date of issue:2018-09-07
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Annette Zippelius
Referee:Prof. Dr. Reiner Kree
Referee:Dr. Claus Heussinger
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In this thesis I present simulation-based studies of systems of self- propelled particles in heterogeneous media. I consider the interaction of particles with planar walls, single spherical obstacles or arrays of randomly distributed obstacles. Active particles with different propulsion mechanisms and different interactions with each other and the environment have been known to exhibit interesting universal phenomena; however, in conducting a generic theory explaining such phenomena we still require further investigation of different types of active systems. The aim of our studies in this thesis is to shed some light on the emergent behavior of individual or large collections of active particles with repulsive excluded volume interactions and linear propulsion in the presence of environmental heterogeneities. First, I describe the behavior of single active particles in the vicinity of a simple environmental constraint: a planar wall. It is shown how the activity increases the tendency of the particles to move along the wall and spend long times in its vicinity. These results are consistent with the behavior of a large class of biological and synthetic active particles, reported previously. The distribution of the residence time on the wall is found and its dependence on different parameters is explored numerically. Then I introduce spherical large obstacles to the system and extend our observations to this case. It is illustrated how active particles tend to reside longer on the obstacles as they flatten, and also how the residence times are affected by our model parameters, as compared to the case of a planar wall.Next, I go on to study the collective behavior of active particles in the presence of large obstacles. The accumulation and crystallization of active particles around the obstacles are characterized: an interesting phenomenon that has been previously found in different active systems with repulsive interactions only. I further describe a particular phenomenon of collective rotation of active particles around the obstacles. Given the purely repulsive interactions of particles with themselves and the obstacle, the absence of any active torque on the particles, and the lack of any aligning or synchronizing mechanism between the particles, such huge rotating aggregates of particles is not a trivial state of the system. I explore the origin of such rotations and using simple arguments explain why they occur. Our suggested mechanism for driving the rotations also describes some of their important properties such as the increase of their angular velocity as the rotations build up, and the scaling of the total torque driving the rotating crystals by their mass. Finally, I present some results on the behavior of active systems in crowded environments. Increasing the crowdedness, the diffusion becomes non-Gaussian and slow. The decrease of the diffusion constant with the obstacle density is a function of the activity. The effect of activity on the particle’s exploration of the cages, made by the many obstacles, is further investigated in this thesis.
Keywords: active particles; collective behavior; microswimmers