The effect of the mycorrhizal type on root-rhizosphere interactions in AM and ECM tree species: field studies and mesocosm experiments
by Rebecca Liese
Date of Examination:2018-05-18
Date of issue:2019-02-20
Advisor:PD Dr. Ina Christin Meier
Referee:PD Dr. Ina Christin Meier
Referee:Prof. Dr. Andrea Carminati
Referee:Prof. Dr. Hermann Behling
Referee:Prof. Dr. Michaela Dippold
Referee:Prof. Dr. Markus Hauck
Referee:Prof. Dr. Stefan Scheu
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Based on the two main types of mycorrhizal associations in temperate forests, which are arbuscular (AM) and ectomycorrhiza (ECM), the idea of a mycorrhizal-associated nutrient economy framework developed (Phillips et al., 2013). This framework predicts that AM dominated forests, with fast decomposition of high chemical quality litter, have an inorganic nutrient economy. In contrast, forests dominated by ECM trees have low chemical quality litter and slow decomposition rates, resulting in a dominantly organic nutrient economy. The acquisition of nutrients from soil and as a result also tree productivity, is distinctly determined by fine roots and the associated mycorrhizal fungi, which concertedly play not only a key role in resource acquisition but also in C and nutrient dynamics of forest ecosystems under global change. However, only few studies addressed a direct comparison of several AM and ECM trees in morphological and functional root traits. Accordingly, information about mycorrhiza based differences in root functions and how they relate to resource acquisition and biogeochemical processes in the rhizosphere are scarce. In the present study, two research projects were conducted that had the objective to answer the question how root morphological and functional traits of eight different tree species (four per mycorrhizal type; AM: Acer platanoides L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Fraxinus excelsior L., and Prunus avium L.; ECM: Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus robur L., Tilia cordata MILL., and Carpinus betulus L.) are influenced by the mycorrhizal association type and to what extent this influences rhizosphere processes. The first research project was conducted in the natural habitats of the tree species, an old mixed broad-leaved forest, and focused on mycorrhiza-specific differences in root morphology, root exudation, and rhizosphere processes. The second research project, a factorial drought experiment in large-mesocosms in the Göttingen Rhizolab Facility, aimed to study root morphology, root functions (i.e. root exudation, root longevity, and N absorption), biomass production and aboveground properties like photosynthetic rates of the studied four AM and four ECM tree species under drought conditions. Consistent with the mycorrhiza-associated framework that suggest a classification of temperate forests according to the two mycorrhizal association types, the present study revealed significant influences of the mycorrhizal association type on root-rhizosphere interactions (i.e. in some morphological and architectural root traits, at least under drought in the majority of root functional traits, and in the majority of rhizosphere processes). When transferring the mycorrhizal-associated nutrient economy framework to the revealed differences in root-rhizosphere interactions of AM and ECM trees of this study, the respective nutrient economy of AM and ECM trees is reflected in root properties, root functions and also in the rhizosphere, and led to different acquisition strategies between the mycorrhizal associations types: AM trees adapt to the inorganic nutrient economy by high capability and efficiency in the uptake of inorganic N. In contrast, ECM trees adapt to the organic nutrient economy by several traits (i.e. by strongly branched roots, stronger mycorrhizal colonization, and lower chemical richness of root exudates), that increase their acquisition potential and prime microbial activities in the rhizosphere (as proven by accelerated enzyme activity, high amounts of microbial C, and strong positive rhizosphere effects on C, N, and P cycles). Even though roots of AM and ECM trees released equal amounts of C by exudation, the reduced chemical richness of ECM exudates distinctly accelerated rhizosphere processes and microbial SOM decomposition. These facts underline that the two mycorrhizal types differ in their strategy for resource exploitation. Under drought, root functions of AM and ECM trees were differently affected, representing two different strategies in root functioning under soil desiccation: ECM trees invested a high amount of C to optimize acquisitive root functions (i.e. increased root exudation and decreased root lifespan) under drought, while AM trees avoided high C investment in roots and reduced the biomass production to tolerate limited resource uptake by low investments and a reduced demand. The results of the present study suggest that differences in C partitioning and acquisitive root traits and root functions between AM and ECM trees are crucial for biogeochemical processes and possible compositional shifts in tree species and their associated microbes in temperate forests under global change. In accordance with the mycorrhiza-associated framework, a classification of temperate forests according to the mycorrhizal association type enables more precise predictions of present and future developments of forest ecosystems in response to climate change. Consequently, the mycorrhizal association type should be considered as an important belowground trait for trees in temperate forests.
Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhiza, ectomycorrhiza, temperate forest, tree species, exudates, rhizosphere, fine root traits, carbon and nitrogen cycling, drought