Evaluierung bestehender Prüfungsmodalitäten in der Zahnärztlichen Vorprüfung und Implementierung neuer Prüfungsstrukturen
The evaluation of existing examination procedures of the dental preliminary exam and the implementation of a novel assessment tool
von Maike Ellerbrock
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2019-04-02
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Ralf Bürgers
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Ralf Bürgers
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Tobias Raupach
Name:Evaluierung bestehender Prüfungsmodalitäten ...pdf
Background: the curriculum of dental education comprises several practical examinations, which are commonly assessed by using the so called ‚glance-and-grade‘ method. Without referring to specified criteria, valid check lists or grading keys, this method is assumed to be neither objective nor reliable. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the ‚glance-and-grade‘ method and to determine, whether the development of a novel evaluation method with defined criteria may improve objectivity and reliability. Material and Methods: In the first phase of the study, 152 preparations made by dental students were graded by 6 raters using the 'glance-and-grade' method. These preparations included a crown- and a bridge preparation, a VMK-crown (metal framework veneered with ceramic) and a full denture wax try-in. During the second phase a new evaluation system including clearly defined criteria and prescribed rating scales was developed. Several rater trainings were carried out during the third phase. In the fourth phase the evaluation system was used to grade other 48 preparations. Results: wide differences concerning the pass-fail decisions and a great range of points assigned were shown while using the 'glance-and-grade' method. Intraclass correlations were calculated, novel checklists caused a higher degree of interrater-consistency. An increase in correlation was observed in each preparation type with the exception of bridge-preparation (ICC crown-preparation increased from 0,646 to 0,851, ICC VMK-Crown from 0,568 to 0,815, ICC total denture wax try-in from 0,636 to 0,888, ICC bridge preparation decreased from 0,689 to 0,609). Internal consistencies were expressed as Cronbach‘s alpha, with values between 0,533 and 0,955. Conclusions: the results of this study seem to confirm the hypothesis, that using the ‚glance-and-grade‘ method is neither objective nor reliable. Despite limitations, the novel evaluation system appears to reduce subjectivity. Further studies concerning the assessment of practical skills are required.
Keywords: glance-and-grade; interrater-reliability; dental education; assessment; rater training