Specific ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation requires a trimeric CandA complex in Aspergillus nidulans
by Anna Maria Köhler
Date of Examination:2018-05-28
Date of issue:2019-05-20
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Braus
Referee:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Braus
Referee:Prof. Dr. Kai Tittmann
Referee:Dr. Achim Dickmanns
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Name:Dissertation_Köhler Anna Maria.pdf
Description:Dissertation Anna Maria Köhler
E3 cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase complexes are activated by modification of their cullin scaffold protein with the ubiquitin-like modifier Nedd8. Deneddylases as the COP9 signalosome (CSN) or Den1/A interact and destabilize these complexes by cleaving the isopeptide bond between Nedd8 and cullin. Non-neddylated cullins can bind Cand1/A, which is the exchange factor for the substrate recognition subunits of the E3 RING ligases. Most eukaryotes possess a single Cand1 polypeptide. The mold Aspergillus nidulans and its relatives encountered a DNA rearrangement, which resulted in separate genes for two CandA polypeptides. CandA-N corresponds to N terminal Cand1, blocking the neddylation site and CandA-C inhibits the interaction to the adaptor and substrate recognition subunits and thereby corresponds to the C-terminal Cand1. The Nedd8 blocking and adaptor-receptor exchange features are conserved in all eukaryotes. A. nidulans CandA proteins are required for asexual conidia production, sexual fruiting body formation, coordinated secondary metabolism and E3 ligase activity. Double deletion strains of candA N/denA, candA-N/csnE and candA-C/csnE resulted in strains without the potential of cleistothecia formation and with reduced asexual development. A triple deletion strain of candA-N/C/csnE was additionally reduced in vegetative growth. These observations underline the importance of deneddylation and the exchange of substrate recognition subunits to allow E3 ligase activity towards a variety of substrates. The gene candA-C is located five open reading frames upstream of candA-N. This thesis shows that the CandA-C ortholog of the human pathogen A. fumigatus includes an additional fungal specific N-terminal 190 amino acid extension encoded by an extra exon, which is not present in human Cand1. This extension of A. fumigatus corresponds to A. nidulans CandA-C1 as a third CandA protein of 19 kDa encoded by a third candA gene 269 bp upstream of candA-C. The three fungal CandA-C1, CandA-C and CandA-N proteins form a trimeric complex mainly in the nucleus. This complex specifically interacts with CulA, supporting its neddylation but does not interact with other cellular cullins. A. fumigatus CanA is different and interacts with CulA as well as CulC E3 ligases. The Aspergillus specific CandA-C1 subunit has common but also distinct cellular functions in comparison to the other CandA proteins. This work shows that CandA-C1 of A. nidulans is required for vegetative growth, cleistothecia maturation including ascospore formation and activation of the ubiquitin labeling machinery. However, unlike the other CandA proteins, CandA-C1 does not affect the secondary metabolism of orcinol derivatives. A. fumigatus CanA N-terminal extension is as important for germination and vegetative growth as CandA-C1 in A. nidulans. These results make the Aspergillus- specific CandA/CanA subunit an interesting candidate for a drug-based approach to control fungal spreading in immunocompromised patients that are infected with e.g. A. fumigatus caused bronchopulmonary aspergillosis without affecting the human ubiquitin-proteasome system.
Keywords: Aspergillus nidulans; asexual development; sexual development; secondary metabolism; E3 ligase; COP9 signalosome; Nedd8; Cand1; Den1; CSN; Aspergillus fumigatus; 26S Proteasome