Browsing GGNB - Göttinger Graduiertenzentrum für Neurowissenschaften, Biophysik und molekulare Biowissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 290-309 of 1199
Early Active Zone Assembly in Drosophila
(2010-05-06)The dissection of presynaptic assembly processes has proven difficult in the past. Apart from genetic redundancies, this likely reflects a highly cooperative and regulated nature of synapse ... -
Early synaptic imbalance in genetic mice models of Autistic Spectrum Disorders
(2008-11-12)Autism and Rett Syndrome have been proposed to result from a dysfunction in postnatal or experience-dependent synaptic plasticity. Mice models in which selected candidate genes were mutated ... -
Ecdysone signaling and miRNA let-7 cooperate in regulating the differentiation of the germline stem cell progeny
(2015-05-06)Adult stem cells are found in most adult tissues where they are responsible for replacing cells that are lost due to turnover or injury. They have the unique ability to give rise to differentiated progeny, while at the ... -
Effects and inducers of autoantibodies against N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors
(2020-03-20)Autoantibodies against the IgG class of N-methy-D-aspartate-receptor subunit GluN1 (NMDAR1-AB) were believed to cause anti-NMDAR encephalitis. However, the view was chanllenged by the finding of age-dependent seroprevalance ... -
Effects of arginine derivatives and oligopeptides on the physical properties of model membranes
(2021-02-16)Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are often rich in arginine. They are able to cross cell membranes and carry other molecules into cells without being cytotoxic. The mechanisms by which they accomplish this are still ... -
Effects of stress on the GABAergic system in the hippocampal formation and medial prefrontal cortex of the adult male rat
(2011-04-21)Stress facilitates the development of psychiatric disorders in vulnerable individuals. Previous studies have well documented the impact of stress on glutamatergic excitatory transmission ... -
Effects of α/β/γ-Synuclein overexpression on the mitochondria and viability of neurons, examined using genetically encoded fluorescent sensors
(2014-09-25)Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and it affects more than 1% of the worlds population over the age of 65. A hallmark of PD is the appearance of Lewy bodies (LBs) throughout the ... -
Electrical Control of Droplet formation in Microfluidic Devices
(2014-09-23)This thesis presents both experimental investigations and demonstration on the use of an AC voltage induced electric field to actively control the size or frequencies of droplet generated in a microfluidic flow focusing ... -
Electrocutaneous stimulation to close the loop in myoelectric prosthesis control
(2017-08-09)Current commercially available prosthetic systems still lack sensory feedback and amputees are forced to maintain eye-contact with the prosthesis when interacting with their environment. Electrocutaneous stimulation is a ... -
Electrophysiological Analysis of the Synaptic Vesicle Priming Process
(2017-08-17)Chemical synaptic transmission is the most prominent communication channel employed by neural circuits. It is initiated by the action potential triggered fusion of transmitter-filled synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic ... -
Elongation factor P: mechanism of action and opportunities for drug design
(2023-07-24)EF-P is a conserved protein that has shape similarity to the tRNAs and binds to the E site of the ribosome. EF-P enhances the rate of peptide bond formation during the synthesis of polyPro sequences. In E. coli one third ... -
Elucidating the mechanisms of disease-triggering myelin-specific autoantibodies
(2019-10-24)Although T cells are commonly known to be the driving force of disease pathogenesis in multiple sclerosis (MS) and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), B cells and their soluble effector molecules ... -
Endocrine control of T cell function and its implications for the pathogenesis of neuroinflammatory diseases
(2013-06-17)Insulin and GCs are two important endocrine regulators of mammalian body homeostasis and both impact on immune cell functions. Whereas GCs are in widespread use for the treatment of autoimmune diseases since the late 1950s, ... -
Engineered genetic tools for directed gene regulation
(2021-07-28)Genetic manipulation or genetic engineering is the ability to modify the behaviour of a gene or group of genes. In biological research, since nucleic acids were shown to be responsible for control of cellular functions and ... -
Engineering of a NIR fluorescent protein for live-cell nanoscopy
(2020-09-22)Since its first use as a genetically encoded fluorescent marker in 1994, GFP and its homologues have fundamentally revolutionized live-cell fluorescence imaging and became an essential tool for biomedical research. Many ... -
Enhancing visual cortical plasticity in mice by enriching their environment: a combined imaging and behavioural study
(2017-02-01)Brain plasticity is important not only for normal brain functions like learning and memory, but is also crucial for recovery after injuries. It has been shown that the environment has a great influence on brain plasticity. ... -
Environmental and genetic correlates of neuropsychiatric diseases and the role of erythropoietin/hypoxia in the brain as potential treatment targets
(2021-06-15)Neuropsychiatric disorders are relatively frequent and present a considerable burden to affected individuals and society. Disease etiology is often complex and patients exhibit large heterogeneity regarding disease causing ... -
Epigenetic Biomarker and Therapeutic Intervention for Dementia
(2021-01-11)Dementia is the most significant health challenge in modern times, currently affecting over 50 million people worldwide. The number of people afflicted with this disorder is on the rise and expected to double by 2025. ... -
Epigenetic Modulation in Alzheimer's Disease: Function of Hippocampal microRNAs
(2015-12-04)MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small non-coding RNAs that play a critical role in the regulation of gene expression programs and thus key mediators of cellular homeostasis. There is increasing evidence that deregulation of miRNAs ... -
Epigenetic regulation of osteoblast differentiation
(2017-06-07)Proper temporal epigenetic regulation of gene expression is essential for cell fate determination and tissue development. However, epigenetic mechanisms involved in control of bone-specific transcriptional programs remain ...