Browsing GGNB - Göttinger Graduiertenzentrum für Neurowissenschaften, Biophysik und molekulare Biowissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 1172-1191 of 1198
Universal Computation and Memory by Neural Switching
(2011-10-21)Complex heteroclinic networks of connected saddle states persistently emerge in a broad range of dynamical systems and may reliably encode ``memory items'' as specific switching trajectories. ... -
Unraveling details of CIN85/CD2AP assistance to SLP65-mediated B cell activation
(2020-06-18)The hallmark of adaptive immunity is the production of specific antibodies. This process is initiated upon the ligation of the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) which activates multiple intracellular signaling cascades through ... -
Unraveling the Role of TET3 in regulating EndMT in Cardiac Fibrosis
(2023-02-10)DNA methylation and subsequent silencing of gene expression is associated with disease states including tumorigenesis and fibrosis. Although DNA methylation is a dynamic and reversible process, the mechanisms of and ... -
Unravelling the Role Cortical Myelination Plays in Higher Brain Functions
(2021-07-07)Myelination is a process within the nervous system, where axons are ensheathed by lipid-rich, multi-spiral wraps called myelin. Its main role is to expedite impulse propagation within circuitries and allow for faster ... -
Untangling neuronal diversity: a quantitative electrophysiological and morphological characterization of VIP expressing interneurons
(2017-03-21)VIP expressing interneurons are an essential component of cortical circuitry. This distinct subgroup of inhibitory interneurons was always described as the most heterogeneous subgroup of inhibitory interneurons. However, ... -
USPL1, a novel SUMO isopeptidase
(2009-06-23)Small Ubiquitin-like Modifiers (SUMO) are 10 kDa proteins that are covalently attached to hundreds of intracellular proteins to regulate their function. In mammals, three members of the ... -
UV and chemical crosslinking mass spectrometry for the analysis of protein-nucleic acid interactions
(2024-07-12)Protein-nucleic acid interactions are a key part of essential cellular processes and their disturbance often results in the development of diseases. Crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS)-based approaches have become ... -
Validation of novel protein-protein interactions in Bacillus subtilis
(2023-01-12)Protein-protein interactions are the basis for many biological processes in the cell. Understanding these interactions is crucial for the general analysis of how the cell functions and the potential identification of ... -
Vav guanine nucleotide exchange factors control B cell antigen receptor-induced Ca2+-signaling
(2016-03-15)Differentiation of B cells into antibody secreting plasma cells is an indispensable step to cope with pathogens. Antigen binding to the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) initiates signaling cascades leading in combination with ... -
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Regulation der SNARE-Komplexbildung durch Sec1/Munc18-Proteine
(2009-07-01)Membrane fusion events between various intracellular compartments in eukaryotic cells are mediated by two conserved protein families: SNARE- and Sec1/Munc18 (SM)-proteins. The SNARE ... -
Vimentin Intermediate Filament Softening - Recovery Behavior and Post-Translational Modifications
(2021-09-16)The capability of eukaryotic cells to resist large deformations, to transport intracellular cargo and to adapt the cell shape, for example during migration, depends on the cytoskeleton, a composite network of three types ... -
Vision, cortical maps and neuronal plasticity in Bassoon and PSD-95 mutant mice.
(2014-03-21)Bassoon mutant mice (Bsn-/-) display a striking loss of synaptic ribbons in photoreceptor terminals, which impairs signal transduction through the retina (Altrock et al., 2003; Specht et al., 2007). Therefore we assessed ... -
Visual and Auditory Perceptual Decision-Making in The Human Brain as Invesitgated by fMRI and Lesion Studies
(2017-07-27)Perceptual decision-making refers to the act of choosing one option from a set of alternatives based on the available sensory information. In this manuscript, we used model-based functional magnetic resonance imaging and ... -
Visual information processing, welfare, and cognition in the rhesus macaque
(2017-10-20)Visual information processing, welfare, and cognition in the rhesus macaque - Chapter one deals with motion and disparity in macaque monkeys' area MST and their functional independence. Chapter two relates with the advantages ... -
Visualization of synaptic vesicle protein recycling during exo-endocytosis at individual hippocampal boutons
(2006-02-20)Upon exocytosis synaptic vesicle proteins are released into the plasma membrane and must be retrieved by compensatory endocytosis. When overexpressing GFP-labeled versions of the vesicle ... -
Vitamin B6 metabolism and underground metabolic routes in the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis
(2021-07-16)Genome-reduced bacteria give the opportunity to study essential gene functions but also give the starting point for biotechnological production pathways. The MiniBacillus project aims to produce a genome reduced Bacillus ... -
Vitamin B6 Production in Bacillus subtilis
(2018-01-23)Fermentative production of valuable goods is an economically competitive and ecologically sustainable alternative to chemical synthesis. Several previous studies have been dedicated to the establishment of vitamin B6 ... -
Voltage-gating and assembly of split Kv10.1 channels
(2016-07-04)Voltage-gated ion channels allow ions to pass cell membrane upon changes of transmembrane electrical potential. Conformational changes in the voltage-sensing domain of the channel (VSD) are assumed to be transmitted to the ... -
Weakly Selective Training induces Specialization within Populations of Sensory Neurons
(2016-12-16)Many neurons in sensory pathways respond selectively to a narrow class of stimuli such as faces or specific communication calls. At the same time neural processing is robust to a large degree of natural variablity ... -
What an Insect Brain Can Tell Us: The Impact of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors on Long-Term Memory in Drosophila melanogaster Larvae
(2025-01-10)Learned associations can be consolidated into long-lasting memory traces, influenced by the relevance and abundance of information, as well as internal states of the animal. In adult Drosophila two distinct forms of ...