GGNB - Göttinger Graduiertenzentrum für Neurowissenschaften, Biophysik und molekulare Biowissenschaften: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 1199
Formation, regulation and dynamics of phase separated postsynaptic density condensates with Tau and Fyn
(2024-11-22)Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by memory loss and cognitive impairments. The cognitive deficits and synaptic dysfunction are associated with the excitotoxicity mediated by NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors on the ... -
Dynamics and regulation of the mitochondrial translation machinery
(2024-11-15)Throughout this project, we have successfully established and implemented a ribosome profiling protocol tailored for examination of translating mitochondrial ribosomes, thereby affording a deeper understanding of mitochondrial ... -
Structural insight of MODAG-005 on 𝛼-Synuclein aggregates as a novel PET tracer
(2024-11-15)Neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson's disease (PD) and related synucleinopathies, are characterized by the accumulation of pathological protein aggregates in the brain. Among the key proteins implicated in ... -
Interplay of proteins and lipids during endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation
(2024-11-14)The endoplasmic reticulum controls lipid homeostasis due to its central role in lipid biosynthesis and its regulation. Aberrant lipid composition and membrane properties in the endoplasmic reticulum interfere with its ... -
Generation of innervated engineered human myocardium (iEHM) from human induced pluripotent stem cells to elucidate the mechanism underlying neuro-cardiac pathologies
(2024-11-12)Brain and heart consist of networks of excitable cells, the function of which is orchestrated by a complex interplay of ionic currents. Mutations in ion channels can predispose patients to cardiocerebral channelopathies ... -
Cell death signaling in the Arabidopsis chitin receptor mutant cerk1-4
(2024-11-07)Plant surface immunity is mediated by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that recognize con-served molecules derived from microorganisms. In Arabidopsis, CERK1 is the main component of the receptor complex that binds ... -
Probing the function of Ca2+-binding C2 domains of otoferlin, a synaptic protein of sensory hair cells
(2024-11-05)The ribbon synapses in auditory inner hair cells (IHCs) are specialized to achieve indefatigable sound encoding at rates of hundreds of Hertz and with sub-millisecond temporal precision. While conventional synapses employ ... -
Deep Myocardial Phenotyping of the Noonan Syndrome-causing Mutation RIT1<sup>F82L/+</sup> In Vitro and RAS/MAPK Signalling as a Therapeutic Target
(2024-10-23)Noonan syndrome (NS) belongs to the RASopathies, which describe a group of rare developmental disorders caused by heterozygous germline mutations leading to a dysregulation of the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase ... -
Depletion of respiratory chain complexes modulates cristae architecture via MIC10 in human cells
(2024-10-18)The complex structure of the inner mitochondrial membrane plays a key role in mitochondrial function. The inner mitochondrial membrane is divided into the inner boundary membrane and the cristae membrane, which is characterized ... -
CarotPhyte: Exploring the evolutionary roots for the biosynthesis of apocarotenoids and their role as signals in plastid-mediated stress response in streptophyte algae
(2024-10-18)Plant terrestrialization came with enormous multidimensional consequences that shaped planet earth. This terraforming event that occurred about 550 MYA goes back to a single progenitor. Elucidating important facilitators ... -
A light-inducible Na+ pump to study the role of intracellular Na+ accumulation in heart failure
(2024-10-10)Elevated Nai levels have been identified as a significant factor in the development of heart failure, observed across multiple species. This is caused by downregulated NKA, increased NHE activity and elevated late Na+ ... -
Phospholamban – Characterization of the Potential Interaction Partner SLMAP
(2024-10-10)The identification of novel PLN interaction partners is of high importance to understand how it is regulated on a molecular level and to develop new therapeutic strategies for cardiomyopathy. SLMAP, a novel putative PLN ... -
Cysteine-rich Receptor-like Kinase 7 functions as a receptor for Wall Teichoic Acid, a MAMP specific for gram-positive bacteria with non-canonical activities in Arabidopsis thaliana
(2024-10-10)Plants are constantly surrounded by a plethora of microorganisms, including fungi, oomycetes, and bacteria. To sense their presence and distinguish between different kinds of microbes, plants utilize a variety of cell-surface ... -
The Verticillium effector TRADE induces host plant cell identity switches by co-opting the osmotic stress and wound response pathways
(2024-10-08)Climate change not only increases the abiotic stress of our crops but also favors the spread of their pathogens. Thus, understanding the molecular mechanisms of plant-pathogen interactions is more important than ever. ... -
Analysis of the regulation of ICS1-independent SAR gene expression by N-hydroxy-pipecolic acid
(2024-10-08)Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a plant immune response that ripostes a local pathogen attack. A mobile signal, induced in infected plant cells, travels from these infected tissues to systemic leaves. This prepares ... -
Bayesian Inference for Top-Down Protein Markov Models and the Ubiquity of Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
(2024-10-04)The current understanding of protein function predominantly relies on the concept of describing proteins as comprising discrete conformational and chemical states including transitions between these states. The theory of ... -
Interactions between cytoskeletal filaments in cells
(2024-10-04)Essential functions of eukaryotic cells such as cell division, force generation and the ability to mechanically adapt to the outer environment depend on the cytoskeleton, which is an intricate network containing three ... -
Development of Analysis- and Simulation-Routines for ENDOR Spectroscopy
(2024-10-04)Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy allows obtaining structural information on for example biomolecules by investigating the magnetic environment of paramagnetic centers on the atomic to nanoscale. This ... -
Development of an in-silico framework for the engineering and evaluation of future optogenetic cochlear implants
(2024-09-27)Hearing loss is a prevalent global challenge with profound cognitive, psychological, social, and economic implications. Traditional cochlear implants (CIs)—neuroprosthetic devices to partially restore hearing—stimulate the ... -
Identification of novel rate-limiting components in Arabidopsis cell entry control against non-adapted fungal pathogens
(2024-09-27)Cell entry into host cells represents a crucial step during pathogenesis of fungal phytopathogens. However, plants have evolved an effective cell entry control mechanism to block a majority of intruders at the front line. ...