Browsing CBL - Zentrum für Biodiversität und Nachhaltige Landnutzung (ehem. GZBÖ) by Referee "Fischer, Julia Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Assessing sociality: catarrhine microsatellites and the dynamics of glucocorticoids with social relationships in wild male Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis)
(2024-02-22)In order to navigate within-group competition and maximise fitness, strategies have evolved in group-living animals, including social dominance ranks and affiliative relationships. Both of these play a crucial role in ... -
Gene flow dynamics in Baboons - The influence of social systems
(2015-09-04)The relationship between genes and behaviour has been of longstanding interest to evolutionary biologists. Certain behaviours can shape the genetic structure of natural populations, thereby altering their genetic diversity ... -
Genetic and behavioral correlates of pair living in coppery titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus)
(2021-02-15)The occurrence of monogamy in mammals represents an evolutionary puzzle. Because of reduced parental investment, males are expected to increase their reproductive success by mating with multiple females rather than being ... -
Mating behaviour of a wild olive baboon population (Papio anubis) infected by Treponema pallidum
(2020-10-01)According to the World Health Organization (2019), more than one million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide in the human population. These infections can have serious reproductive health ... -
Microsatellites and Genetic Variation in Two Members of the African Papionini
(2023-03-31)The importance of genetic variation for the fitness and viability of populations and species has been shown in many studies over the last decades. However, the way to determine such genetic variation has changed and evolved ... -
Phylogeography and impact of hybridization on the evolution of African green monkeys (Chlorocebus Gray, 1870)
(2013-06-04)The evolution of the current global biodiversity has been profoundly influenced by climatic and environmental changes over the past million years. While there is an obvious impact of Quaternary climate changes and glacial ... -
Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Leaf Monkeys (Colobinae) with Focus on the Genus Presbytis (Eschscholtz, 1821)
(2012-08-07)Leaf monkeys (Colobinea) constitute a very diverse group of primates with major radiations inAfrica and Asia. Among the langur group, Presbytis constitutes a particular diverse taxon. Based on molecular biological and ...